If you paid by credit card, contact the company to see how to reverse the payment and stop recurring payments. Good luck! Now go get your money back! Anita Reply May 21, 2018, 6:23 pm I just received a call indicating I had an uncompleted application in which I would upload ...
I just want to get paid for efforts and time I put into investigating you. Let’s assume you decide to make all of this disappear completely and pay me my confidentiality fee. You’ll make the payment by Bitcoin (if you do not know this, search “how to buy bitcoins” on google ...
Scammers behind 'sextortion' emails threaten recipients that they will send humiliating videos, photos, or other compromising content to friends, coworkers, family, social network contacts, etc., unless a ransom is paid (usually in Bitcoins). Typically, scammers claim to have infected computers wi...
What do you mean by Apple Pay card, no such thing exists. do you mean Apple Cash? The best that you can do is ask for the funds back from the other party. credit/debit card? Contact the card issuer Reply of 1 Hi, I feel I walked into a scam and paid a private buyer with...
Did you pay for services?If you paid and have attempted to get a refund or cancel the charge, please select yes. Yes No How did you make the payment?*Please select an optionBankBank Account DebitCashCash Advance - Credit CardCash Advance - OtherCheckCredit CardInternet Payment Services (e....
Auto Paid Amount 359.99 USDToll Free: 88-831-3237 Yet another example of Geek Squad-themed spam email: Text presented within: Geek SQUAD ACADEMYTAX-INVOICEORDER#GFVC5489565488Support Line: (1085) 960 5323Geek Squad DepartmentDate 09/28/2022$377.75Print or savePowered by BEST BUY Thank you for...
(Prepaid credit cards, debit cards, and gift cards are not accepted under this offer.) The requirement for your payment method is to help ensure continuous, uninterrupted security protection during your transition from a Trial to a paid subscription should you decide to purchase. Your payment ...
paid services are available only to members with a valid subscription or otherwise on payment of a fee. Subscriptions can be acquired at the prices, for the periods and by the payment methods specified on the upgrade membership page. Prices are stated in the currency shown on the upgrade membe...
What to Do If You Already Paid a Tech Support Scammer If you already fell victim to a scam and paid money, take these steps immediately: Call bank/credit card companies– Notify your bank and credit card providers to dispute the charges and have them reversed. Cancel any recurring payments...
No funds in your balance = you have not yet been paid, even pending/held payments will still show in your Paypal account activity. As you used the f/f option then IF you funded your paypal payment via a credit card then reach out to your card issuer and see if they can help you ...