scaly skin patches发音 意思翻译 鳞状皮肤斑 相似词语短语 skin patches───皮肤斑贴 alcohol patches───酒精贴片 calendar watches───日历手表;日历表 cold patches───冷补;冷垫 matrix patches───矩阵补片 scaly anteater───穿山甲 scaly anteaters───穿山甲 skin patch───皮肤斑贴 slanging ...
It becomes very vulnerable to various skin infections that can develop as “scaly skin patches.” These patches not only deteriorate the cosmetics of the skin, but they can also be risky to the body. The unhappy fact about these patches of skin is they are inevitable at times. They appear...
二、皮肤或物体状态的引申描述 当用于人类皮肤时,“scaly”指干燥脱屑的病理状态,如银屑病、湿疹等引起的皮肤粗糙、片状剥落(scaly patches on the skin)。在物体描述中,可指金属锈蚀、树皮剥落等表面不平整现象,例如“scaly rust on iron”(铁器上的片状锈迹)。 三、非正式语境中...
scaly skin and is one of the most common skin disorders. It often begins in early childhood and is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern. This means that you can get it by inheriting the abnormal gene from one parent. The symptoms include dry, flaky skin accompanied by ...
例句:The lizard’s scaly skin helps retain moisture.(蜥蜴的鳞状皮肤有助于保持水分。) 医学描述:形容皮肤异常脱屑的状态,如银屑病(俗称“牛皮癣”)。 例句:The patient presented with dry, scaly patches on the elbows.(患者肘部出现干燥的鳞状斑块。) 比喻用法:描述物体表面粗糙、分层或剥落的状态,如生锈...
It may be helpful to keep notes on the location of the previous injections.) If the child has psoriasis, try not to inject directly into any raised, thick, red, or scaly skin patches (psoriasis skin lesions Det kan vara praktiskt att föra bok över vilka injektionsställen som har...
scaly patches 英汉中医词典 n.鳞片,鳞斑 与"scaly patches"相近的词条 ... scaly leaf scaly leg Scaly lentinus scaly lesion scaly nebula scaly patches Scaly pholiota scaly skin scaly suture scaly tetter Scalyhead sculpin scam SCAMIN scammonia scammonin scammony ...
A 20-year-old female presented with itchy, scaly patches, and plaques of 3years duration. She reported having sensitive and dry skin since she was an infant. She tried over the counter emollients and topical steroids for treatment but with little control over her symptoms or the frequency of...
For acute phases of the condition, a person may have patches or plaques of skin that are itchy, red, thick, and scaly. Karen Pallarito, Health, 9 Nov. 2023 The scaly behemoths are responsible for quite a few of the best moments in House of the Dragon Season 2. David Faris, Newswee...
18. Not eating enough of them can result in problems such as scurvy, dermatitis or dry,scalyskin. 维生素摄入不足能导致坏血病、皮肤炎或干燥、鳞状皮肤之类的问题。 youdao 19. If you have dry patches, you will notice that sometimes it makes those areas look morescaly. ...