2025 See All Example Sentences for scaly Word History First Known Use 14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a Time Traveler The first known use of scaly was in the 14th century See more words from the same century Phrases Containing scaly scaly anteater Rhymes for scaly ...
scal i·nessnoun un·scal yadjective Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofscaly1 First recorded in 1520–30;scale1+-y1 Discover More Example Sentences At less than 11 millimeters long the rough woodlouse, a drab scaly invertebrate that feasts on decaying vegetation, might seem like ...
synonyms (56) Words with the same meaning asperous branny chalklike chalky comminute comminuted crushed detrital detrited disintegrated dusty efflorescent farinaceous fine flaky flocculent floury furfuraceous gone to dust grated ground imbricate imbricated impalpable ...
scaly meaning, definition, what is scaly: a scaly animal or fish is covered with s...: Learn more.
Scaly is a valid Scrabble word. Scaly is a word starting with s ending with y. Check our list ofwords starting with s ending with y. Dictionary definitions of the word scaly The meaning of scaly scaly 2 definitions of the word scaly. ...
The meaning of SCALY MISTLETOE is a plant of the genus Arceuthobium.
16:8Azazel: a name for a demon (meaning something like “angry/fierce god”). See note on17:7. 16:16Inner sanctuary: this refers to the most holy room (vv. 2,11–15).Trespasses, including all their sins: the term for “trespasses” (Heb.pesha‘im), which has overtones of rebellio...
Unlike us warm-blooded mammals, they are ectothermic, meaning they rely on external sources of heat to maintain their body temperature. This influences their behavior drastically. You'll often find lizards basking in the sun, strategically positioning themselves to absorb the maxi...
The Viridiplantae (literally meaning green plants) include all green algae and embryophyte plants. They represent a monophyletic group of organisms, which display a surprising diversity with respect to their morphology, cell architecture, life histories and reproduction, and their biochemistry. The coloni...
最初用於古英語中的名詞; 從13世紀開始用於動詞,到15世紀甚至用於其他形容詞(例如crispy)。像hugy、vasty這樣的形容詞是爲了詩歌韻律而創造的人造詞。 scaly的趨勢 根據books.google.com/ngrams/調整。Ngrams可能不可靠。 分享「scaly」 ‘引用’ 翻譯由AI生成。查看原文,請訪問:Etymology, origin and meaning ...