Scaly skin is a common condition. While it is often harmlesss, it might point to a serious underlying condition. Here are common causes and dealing ways. Scaly skin can occur on any part of the body. It is usually a symptom of dry skin and is common on the arms, thighs and lower le...
Eczema is a common skin condition that is characterized by itchy, dry, red, scaly skin. 湿疹是一种常见的皮肤现象,表现为皮肤痒, 干, 红和起皮. 期刊摘选 North American herb with pungent scaly or toothed roots. 北美的一种植物,根茎有类似齿状鳞片覆盖. 期刊摘选 ...
For acute phases of the condition, a person may have patches or plaques of skin that are itchy, red, thick, and scaly. Karen Pallarito, Health, 9 Nov. 2023 The scaly behemoths are responsible for quite a few of the best moments in House of the Dragon Season 2. David Faris, Newswee...
12. The Wyvern is a large,scalybeast with leathery wings and a poison stinger. 双足飞龙是一种庞大、有鳞的野兽,还长着翅膀和一根毒刺。 youdao 13. However, if you do smoke, your risk for thescalyskin condition goes up-a lot. 然而,如果您抽烟,染上这种鳞屑皮肤病的风险将大幅提高。
Eczema is a common skin condition that is characterized by itchy, dry, red, scaly skin. 湿疹是一种常见的皮肤现象,表现为皮肤痒, 干, 红和起皮. 期刊摘选 North American herb with pungent scaly or toothed roots. 北美的一种植物,根茎有类似齿状鳞片覆盖. 期刊摘选 The Drake is a huge and scaly...
例句:Eczema is a common skin condition that is characterized by itchy, dry, red, scaly skin.(湿疹是一种常见的皮肤现象,表现为皮肤痒、干、红和起皮。) 中文翻译:湿疹是一种常见的皮肤现象,表现为皮肤痒、干、红和起皮。 场景三:物体表面 例句:The bark of the tree was rough and scaly.(这棵树...
This parasitic skin condition is similar to a flea infestation, and is treated with the same products. Depending on where you live depicts how common the mite is largely because common flea-control insecticides control it. This mite can live off of other hosts and is transmittable to humans. ...
aBoth Royal Jelly and Evening Primrose Oil, with its Omega 6 oils, are noted for helping the natural condition of skin and may be of particular assistance for dry or scaly skin. 王浆和晚樱草油,与它的Ω 6油,以帮助皮肤的自然情况是着名,并且也许是特殊协助为干燥或鳞状皮肤。[translate]...
11、Does Rover have a crusty, dry, or scaly nose?是否路虎有硬壳,干燥,或有鳞的鼻子? 12、However, if you do smoke, your risk for the scaly skin condition goes up-a lot.然而,如果您抽烟,染上这种鳞屑皮肤病的风险将大幅提高。 13、African tree pangolin has white skin and hair, lacking exter...
bark: Black, coarse and scaly when trees young. 具轴向树脂沟. 树皮>黑色 ﹐ 粗糙﹐鳞片状一幼龄木. 来自期刊摘选14. Helps relieve flea problems, dry, itching scaly skin. 有助于减轻跳蚤问题, 乾燥 、 皮肤发痒、. 来自期刊摘选15. Eczema is a common skin condition that is characterized by ...