Like the Chinese method of scalp acupuncture, YNSA is also used in the treatment of acute and chronic pain, neurological disorders, child development disorders, nerve pain, stroke, and many other issues. The Health Board is dedicated to providing accurate and trustworthy information. We carefully ...
Dermatoscopic findings are very important for evaluating vascular structures in numerous skin disorders (eg, vascular lesions, malignant tumors, and collagen diseases). Dermatoscopic features of vascular structures include comma-like, dotted, linear irregular, hairpin, glomerular, arborizing, and crown ...
I say this just because scalp acupuncture got really big in the 70s and 80s and all of a sudden anyone with any connection to holistic healing was doing it in their backrooms. And there was so much conflicting information about where to place the needles and how to perform the routine that...
She is Head of the Outpatient consultation for Hair and Nail Disorders, Outpatient consultation of Allergology and the Laboratory of Mycology and Parasitology.Her major research activities include clinical, diagnostic, therapeutic and basic aspects of hair science, nail science and mycology.She is ...