Jason 最近在公司被操得像感恩节的火鸡,而且马上就要离开,出差2 天。虽然做为一个现代女性,我实在很不想承认,但是这只意味着一件事情,就是- 我好~~无聊呀~(无病呻吟当中…)!我其实很忙的。真的。我有好多事情要做。譬如说好几篇文章排排站好等着我去翻译。好像嗷嗷待哺中的小鸡一样… “吱吱… 吱吱… ...
chicken n. 1. 鸡,鸡肉 2. 胆小鬼,懦夫 adj. 1. 鸡肉的 2. 胆怯;懦弱;怯懦 3. 幼小的 ginger group 核心小组 ginger nut 姜味薄脆饼 ginger scented adj. 有姜味的 ginger race n. 姜根 oil n.[C] 1.油 2.润滑油 3.石油;燃料油;【英】煤油,火油 4.橄榄油 5.油状物质 6.(常作oils...
搜索智能精选 题目Which of the following is the correct translation of “chicken in Scallion oil”? A. 烤乳猪 B. 啤酒鸭 C. 炖牛肉 D. 葱油鸡 答案D
During the process, make the two dipping sauces. Dipping sauce 1:Add chicken oil in a pan, add grated ginger and garlic. Fry until aromatic. Add spring onion and then place water. Simmer for a while and then add a small pinch of salt and light soy sauce. Mix well. ...
爱给网提供海量的短视频素材资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mov 格式的[Eng Sub]【曼食慢语第77集】葱油鸡 Scallion Oil Chicken(720P_60FPS)美食搬运工, 本站编号73490209, 该短视频素材素材大小为111m, 时长为06分 33秒, 分辨率为1280*720, 更多精彩短视频素材素材,尽在爱给网。
chicken n. 1. 鸡,鸡肉 2. 胆小鬼,懦夫 adj. 1. 鸡肉的 2. 胆怯;懦弱;怯懦 3. 幼小的 hot a. 热的,炎热的;辣的;很受欢迎的;非常棒的;性感的;棘手的; oil n.[C] 1.油 2.润滑油 3.石油;燃料油;【英】煤油,火油 4.橄榄油 5.油状物质 6.(常作oils)油(性)涂料,油漆;油画颜料 7.油...
网络释义 1. 葱油鸡 缩写词... ... 例:芥末鸭掌 duck webs with mustard sauce葱油鸡chicken in Scallion oil米酒鱼卷 fish rolls with rice wine ... qujingtongyou.bokee.com|基于415个网页
网络释义 1. 葱油鸡 《中文... ... 三杯鸡 Chicken with Three Cups Sauce 516.葱油鸡Chicken with Scallion Oil517. 香酥鸡王 Crispy Chicken 518. ... www.douban.com|基于36个网页
Scallion Oil Chicken Recipe Ginger & Scallions Chicken Recipe How to Grow Spring Onions (Scallions) Get Recipe This is the cooked chicken I was talking about. I bought it Yong Chun market (永春市場) in the evening after work. It cost me only NT$120 for one plate of chicken drumstick, wh...
For the most part, chicken is chicken. But 椒麻鸡 (jiāomájī) sauce, now that’s a discovery! Jiaoma refers to Sichuan pepper, and the sauce is made by mixing the peppercorns together with a load of scallions and adding oil. Combine that with red-hot chili oil and Sichuan pepper oil...