Physics-based scaling laws for confined and unconfined transverse jetsTransverse wavesConsistencyDeflectionDragEntrainmentGas turbinesLaw enforcementMixingMomentum transferOptimizationAn experimental study was conducted to explore the mixing properties of single and multiple confined transverse jets. A new physics-...
关键词: aqueous electrosprays charged droplets droplet formation onset voltage scaling laws Taylor's cone DOI: 10.1080/02726350902921921 被引量: 4 年份: 2009 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 全部来源 求助全文 全文购买 Taylor & Francis 国家科技图书文献中心 (权威机构) 掌桥科研 Semantic Scholar dx.doi...
同时 VAR 展现出类似 LLM 的 Scaling Laws 和零样本任务泛化能力。 论文2:Stochastic Taylor Derivative Estimator: Efficient amortization for arbitrary differential operators 作者:Zekun Shi, Zheyuan Hu, Min Lin, Kenji Kawaguchi 机构:新加坡国立大学、 Sea AI Lab 论文地址: ...
Smart Structures and Materials 1999: Electroactive Polymer Actuators and DevicesLiu et al, “Scaling Laws of Microactuators and Potential Applications of ... Authors: Chang Liu, Univ. of Illinois/Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA,Yoseph Bar-Cohen, Jet Propulsion Lab., Pasadena, CA, USA. - Sma...
Scaling or smiliarity laws of plasmas are of interest if lab size plasma sources are to be scaled for industrial processes. Ideally, the discharge parameters of the scaled plasmas are predictable and the fundamental physical processes are unaltered. Naturally, there are limitations and ranges of ...
Scaling laws of density fluctuations at high-k on Tore Supra Anomalous transport in tokamaks is generally attributed to turbulent fluctuations. Since a large variety of modes are potentially unstable, a wide range of... P Hennequin,R Sabot,C Honoré,... - 《Plasma Physics & Controlled Fusion...
Effects of CCPC on scaling laws are therefore remaining unexamined, and it is also not clear whether multi-junction PV cells/modules share the same scaling law with monocrystalline PV cells/modules. As a concentrating technique, compound parabolic concentrators (CPC) have increasingly been developed ...
关键词: n64270* --physics (high energy)--particle interactions & properties (theoretical)--strong (baryon no. >= 2 inclusive interactions-- scaling laws proton-proton interactions-- scaling laws cross sections gev range 10-100 gev range 100-1000 linear momentum pions minus regge calculus ...
Scaling laws of waste production differ across waste types We found universal scaling laws of waste production globally across diverse urban systems spanning all three major forms of waste that we considered: wastewater (Fig.1b), municipal solid waste (MSW; Fig.1c), and greenhouse gas (GHG) ...
Geisel The scaling laws of human travel. Nature 439, 462–465 (2006). 11. C. Song, T. Koren, P. Wang & A.-L. Barabási Modelling the scaling properties of human mobility. Nature Physics 6, 818–823 (2010). 12. C. Song, Z. Qu, N. Blumm & A.-L. Barabási Limits of ...