sllt and sand have different characterlst~csof resuspenslon (and presumably settling) at a glven flow veloclty ( d e Jonge & van der Bergs 1987, Delgado et a1 1991) Fourth there may b e a strong die1 rhythm of grazing on suspended mlcroalgae superimposed on variations caused by advecti...
yield estimation. Temperature data on a regional scale was approximated by the 1-km MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Aqua MYD11A2 (8-day composite) version 5 land surface temperature (LST) products on board the GEE. We used LST data from the Aqua satellite because its ..., pixels occupied by PA land Tclhaessp(rwoceeasssoufmdeefPinAi/nKgBpAixelalntydpcelsasis sohccouwpnyingFtihgeureen2ti.rFeiprsixt,epl ixneslsteopcc1u) parieddebfiynPeAd laasnPdAcltaysps e(w. Seeacsosnudm, efoPrAt/hKeBrAemlaanindinclgaspsioxceclsu,ptyhiengonthese oencctiur...
Thus, the combined effects of longer ice-free season and increased precipitation suggests that lakes and waterbodies in northern latitudes are likely to end up with greater amounts of methylmercury, and consequently higher fish mercury levels over time. Most importantly, when these climate change ...