Once you feel comfortable playing the major scale, there’s always more to learn and practice. Minor guitar scale The minor guitar scale – like its major counterpart – is the foundation for all other minor scales. As with the earlier example, you can think of the minor scale as the ...
Guitar scales are the basis for everything you will ever do on your guitar, but simply learning scales on the guitar, what they are and how to play them won't do much for your guitar playing. What you really need to do is know how to master them, how to use them and create amazin...
Introducing the first and only all-in-one watch app for guitar! Practice and play over 100 different chords and scales on your real guitar! Set your tempo and…
The E minor pentatonic is easy for beginners to learn because it only contains five notes. Better yet, those notes (in the open position) can be played across open strings, and the second and third frets of your guitar. Your fingers don’t have to maneuver between too many different frets...
Learn the secret of how great guitar players are able to be completely “free” when they improvise using scales all over the neck of the guitar To watch (for free) this special video about practicing guitar scales, simply enter your name and e-mail address below and click the button: "...
Introducing the first and only all-in-one watch app for guitar! Practice and play over 100 different chords and scales on your real guitar! Set your tempo and play new chord progressions! Choose a backing track and learn new scales while you play them! Use our haptic metronome to feel the...
To improve your guitar playing, learn scales, chords, and the relationship between them. Stay in tune with the tuner and enhance your rhythm by practicing with the metronome. Practice scale loops to master positions and develop muscle memory. Engage in scale exercises that will improve your finge...
Are you trying to master the guitar fretboard? Are you struggling to learn scales in different positions, master arpeggio patterns, and chord voicings? Do you find it difficult to see progress in your jazz guitar playing despite hours of practice?
Northridge.TheSegovia"DiatonicMajorandMinorScales"canbe orderedfromGuitarSoloPublicationsinSanFrancisco.ThecatalognumberisCO127andthecostisonly$4.50. SegoviaScalesPracticeSchedule FingeringPatternModeMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday SaturdaySunday IMajorCDDbEbCDDb IIminoraf#g#fgaf# IIIMajorGABF#AbBbG IVminoreeee...
B minor scale on guitar Chromatic Scales Structure The chromatic scale includes all twelve notes within an octave, each a half step apart. This scale is useful for developing finger independence and agility. A chromatic scale in first position provides an excellent framework to practice fingertip pl...