Latex graphicx 宏包 scalebox命令 scalebox命令需要加载\usepackage{graphicx} \scalebox{水平缩放因子}[垂直缩放因子]{对象} \scalebox命令对其作用的对象进行缩放,使缩放后的对象的宽度为原始 宽度与水平缩放因子之积,高度为原始高度与垂直缩放因子之积。如果垂直缩放 因子没有给出,那么将按照给定的水平缩放因子,保持...
Latexgraphicx宏包scalebox命令 scalebox 命令需要加载 \usepackage{graphicx} \scalebox{⽔平缩放因⼦}[垂直缩放因⼦]{对象} \scalebox命令对其作⽤的对象进⾏缩放,使缩放后的对象的宽度为原始宽度与⽔平缩放因⼦之积,⾼度为原始⾼度与垂直缩放因⼦之积。如果垂直缩放因⼦没有给出,那么将...
I am trying to typeset some music using the abc package (see below). Is there any way to increase the font size of the text of the song, or (even better) to scale the whole music to be bigger? I tried to use scalebox, but got the error "Argument of \verbatim@ has a...
原博文 Latex graphicx 宏包 scalebox命令 2016-01-14 15:06 −... 白菜菜白 0 6277 【latex】latex基础 2019-12-10 23:09 −## 文档边距、间距调整 边距调整 ``` \usepackage{geometry} %设置页边距的宏包 \geometry{left=3.0cm,right=2.5cm,top=2.5cm,bottom=2.5cm} %设置页边距 ``` 间距调整...
This is defined by graphics (not graphicx) the package does nothing to expand these arguments but expansion just happens as a natural course of TeX processing. So the \expandafter are not needed. The subsidiary question asked in comments as to what is the syntax that the arguments ma...
% 编译引擎: XeLaTeX \documentclass[10pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage{% 数学工具 amsmath, mathtools, amsfonts, amssymb, ctex, % tabularray } \def\scalequater#1{\scalebox{0.25}{\ensuremath{#1}}} % 调高underset/stackrel \newcommand{\upperset}[2]{\:% \underset{% 下标内容 \text{% 文本...
package { import flash.display.Sprite; import; import; import flash.text.TextField; import flash.ui.Mouse; import flash.ui.MouseCursor; /** * 当修改了boxWidth,boxHeight时触发 ...
scalebox命令需要加载\usepackage{graphicx} \scalebox{水平缩放因子}[垂直缩放因子]{对象} \scalebox命令对其作用的对象进行缩放,使缩放后的对象的宽度为原始 宽度与水平缩放因子之积,高度为原始高度与垂直缩放因子之积。如果垂直缩放 因子没有给出,那么将按照给定的水平缩放因子,保持原始宽高的比例进行缩放。 如果缩放...
\documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath,graphicx} \newcommand\uglyfrak[2]{\scalebox{1.2}{\( \frac{#1}{#2} \)}} \begin{document} abc \(x + \frac{a+b}{c} + \dfrac{a+b}{c} + \uglyfrak{a+b}{c}\) abc \end{document} As you see, not only does the ...
\documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{musixtex} \usepackage{graphicx} \begin{document} \scalebox{1.0}{ \begin{music} \instrumentnumber{1} \setstaffs 1{2} \setclef{1}{00} \startextract \notes \qa c | \qa d \en \endextract \end{music} } \end{document} This compile, but It's do...