A novel method for improving the training of some topology preserving algorithms characterized by its scale invariant mapping is presented and analyzed in this study. It is called Weighted Voting Superposition (WeVoS), and in this research is applied to the Scale Invariant Feature Map (SIM) and ...
Yu CH, Qin Z, Martin-Martinez FJ, Buehler MJ (2019) A self-consistent sonification method to translate amino acid sequences into musical compositions and application in protein design using artificial intelligence. ACS Nano 13(7):7471–7482. 2019 Jul 23, https://doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.9b...
A novel method for improving the training of some topology preserving algorithms as the Scale Invariant Feature Map (SIM) and the Maximum Likelihood Hebbian Learning Scale Invariant Map (MAX-SIM) is presented and analyzed in this study. It is called Weighted Voting Superposition (WeVoS), ...
- 2001 () Citation Context ...simprecise localization problem by finding the subspacesthat represents this error for each of the training imagess[4]. Note that, perturbation method [5] and global affinestransformation correlation =-=[6]-=- has also been proposed tosaddress the similar problem...