During the 100 days before the exam,all her volunteers used a digital-learning platform which presented them with old exam questions and logged their performance.They also sat a mock exam 40 days before the real thing.To assess their levels of anxiety,they were aske...
Methods A research assistant made a single clinical judgment of anxiety in the range of 1 to 10 on the basis of patients nonverbal responses (ie, nods) to 9 questions about mood and their physical and behavioral signs. Patients then responded to the Faces Anxiety Scale. Demographic, clinical...
Questions in the form were created based on Beck Depression Scale and the GAD-7 Scale for Anxiety along with questions about the gender, age, and job... L. Spirkoska,M. Simonovska,O. Jankuloska,... - ...
each aimed at assessing a different aspect of anxiety as experienced by the individual. These items are rated on a scale, with the total score providing an overall measure of the person's anxiety level. This test has been important in both the diagnosis and the monitoring of anxiety disorders...
Clinical questions During the past month have you often been bothered by feeling down, depressed, or hopeless? During the past month have you often had little interest or pleasure in doing things? The DASS21(Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale—short version) ...
The final version of the PDSQ consists of 126 questions assessing the symptoms of 13 DSM-IV disorders in 5 areas: eating disorders (bulimia/binge-eating disorder); mood disorders (major depressive disorder [MDD]); anxiety disorders (panic disorder, agoraphobia, PTSD, obsessive-compulsive disorder...
Arbitrary ratings scales are often developed when a usability practitioner gets a call to create a quick and dirty survey to find out why people seem to be complaining about a product. This harried practitioner will pull together a set of questions with rating scales that have some face ...
Participants gave their informed consent and then answered questions about their climate anxiety and potential correlates. As an incentive, participants received mingle points, which they could exchange for money, shopping vouchers, or donations to several organizations. This study was approved by the ...
Only the first 10 HSCL-25 questions were used to assess the presence and anxiety scale. The anxiety scale was measured before the abortion. The primary outcome measures studied were the incidence of abortions, the average maternal age, type of induced abortion, presence of anxiety, a...
The Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale, 21 (DASS-21) is one such assessment. It contains 21 questions about an individual’s level of depressive symptoms, anxious distress, and current stress levels to help inform their mental health needs. It uses a four-point rating scale to determine s...