Scale of Universe is an interactive experience to inspire people to learn about the vast ranges of the visible and invisible world. Click on objects to learn more. Use the scroll bar to zoom in and out. Start Exploring
The Scale of the UniverseRecalls how astronomers determined the universe's distance scale in the 1950s. Way to gauge the true brightness of a Cepheid variable star; Findings about M31 galaxy; Factor that led to the doubling of galaxy distances.Bracher...
神秘有趣的宇宙刻度-Scale of the Universe 科普趣站,赞!网站展示了人类所知道的最小到最大的物体,随着鼠标滚轮的转动,你会看到相近大小但不同样式的物体,这样就能更好的理解宇宙万物的刻度了! 传送门 方法 进入网站后,等待加载flash即可! 网友crazyboy2000提供趣站 同类型网站,留着...
人类在宇宙中既是渺小的、又是巨大的。” ——《宇宙的刻度2 - The Scale of the Universe 2》,...
虽不是游戏,但得到的震撼胜似游戏,所以也放上来给大家感受和学习一下。 一些技术原因,滚轮缩放可能会失效,请拖放下方的滚动条以缩放。 有需要的朋友可以鼠标右键点击这个链接,另存到本地再使用任何Flash 播放器打开。 操作方法: [ 鼠标 ] 拖放进度条,或使用鼠标滚轮缩放,点击项目查看说明...
[43-Astronomy] 宇宙到底有多大 | The scale of the universe 452 2020-01 [44-Astronomy 视频] 探索外太空的生命体 | In search of life 1083 2020-01 [44-Astronomy] 探索外太空的生命体 | In search of life 468 2020-01 [45-Astronomy 视频] 天文学家的工具箱 | The tools of astronomy ...
转贴:宇宙的刻度2 ..无限大与无限小……涨姿势了……宇宙的刻度2 (The Scale of the Universe 2)_心理游戏_蓝心网 来自
[43-Astronomy] 宇宙到底有多大 | The scale of the universe 452 2020-01 [44-Astronomy 视频] 探索外太空的生命体 | In search of life 1077 2020-01 [44-Astronomy] 探索外太空的生命体 | In search of life 467 2020-01 [45-Astronomy 视频] 天文学家的工具箱 | The tools of astronomy ...
On display at Perot Museum and the Charles Schulz Museum and featured by ABC News and NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day, The Scale of the Universe 2 puts into context how incredibly vast our universe is, with images and commentary for hundreds of objects ranging from enormous to unimagina...
The universe has always caught attention of many scientists! There are so many different interesting facts! Do you want to know them too? Then play this fascinating game and absorb the information!