a five-point payscale 五分制工资等级 牛津词典 to evaluate performance on ascalefrom 1 to 10 按1到10级来评估业绩 牛津词典 At the other end of thescale, life is a constant struggle to get enough to eat. 对于处在社会最底层的人来说,生活就是为吃饱肚子而不断挣扎的过程。
changes to the company's pay scale 该公司工资等级的变动 【例句】 Your performance will be judgedon a scale of1to10. 你的表现将按 1 到 10 的标准来评分。 【例句】 We use asliding scale(=in which prices are not firmly fixed) for charges. ...
截至2024年4月底,全球著名薪酬统计网站Payscale公布了一组“Master of Science (MS), Computer Science (CS) Degree”的薪酬数据,下面我们一起来看看具体情况——1 CS就业方向高达280个 平均年薪达10万美元 Payscale基于1886份调查反馈,统计得出CS研究生毕业后,在市场上的职业去向有280个,就业选择十分丰富,并且...
Pay referent comparison and pay level satisfaction in private versus public sector organizations in India Empirical research on the relationship between pay referent level comparisons and pay level satisfaction has focused on Western samples. Using a sample of ... P Bordia,G Blau - 《International Jo...
https://www.payscale.com/research/US/Degree=Master_of_Science_(MS)%2C_Computer_Science_(CS)/Salary CS就业方向高达280个 平均年薪达10万美元 Payscale基于1886份调查反馈,统计得出CS研究生毕业后,在市场上的职业去向有280个,就业选择十分丰富,并且绝大部分都是和计算机相关的岗位。
Level 8 is one of the many levels in the payment structure in any government body and is used to determine how much an individual will be paid irrespective of the ministry. However, some ministries or government organizations tend to pay better than others with the addition of a few benefits...
https://www.payscale.com/research/US/Degree=Master_of_Science_(MS)%2C_Computer_Science_(CS)/Salary CS就业方向高达280个 平均年薪达10万美元 Payscale基于1886份调查反馈,统计得出CS研究生毕业后,在市场上的职业去向有280个,就...
美国大学本科毕业生薪酬排行 TOP10 大家在看排名的同时,记得关注一下指标中的早期职业薪资(Early Career Pay)和中期职业薪资(Mid-Career Pay)。 早期职业薪资指的是毕业后有0-5年工作经验的毕业生的薪资中位数;中期职业薪资指的是毕业后有超过10年工作经验、处在职业发展中期的毕业生的薪资水平。 在TOP10当中,除...
Gaining insight into the overall user population is crucial to improving the user experience. The data needed to derive such insights is personal and sensitive, and must be kept private. In addition to privacy concerns, practical deployments of learning systems using this data must also consider re...
a five-point payscale 五分制工资等级 牛津词典 to evaluate performance on ascalefrom 1 to 10 按1到10级来评估业绩 牛津词典 At the other end of thescale, life is a constant struggle to get enough to eat. 对于处在社会最底层的人来说,生活就是为吃饱肚子而不断挣扎的过程。