Chikaipa [35] further notes that it is on record that no transaction has at any occasion been cancelled or put on hold due to the public outrage over the land acquisitions. Chikaipa [35] argues that Laasnldo2n0g16a, 5s, txhe power relationship between the state and local communities ...
DBTeDcausisme uolfatthioensereosuutlsttacnodnifnirgmSeEdRtShat chAaruacntearniostpicasr,tiAclueUs aRnPdS calrursatyesrsmparyovsiedrvede amsoerxecehloletnstpNotEsRaSndsuinbcstrreaatseesdfothrebiEoFmtoole1c0u4.leBedceatuecsteioonf .these outstanding SERS characteristics, AuURPS arrays may serve as...