The MMPI-2 manual reports test-retest reli- ability estimates range from .58 to .92 for the basic scales (Butcher et al., 1989). Dahlstrom, Welsh, and Dahlstrom (1975) cited 6,000 studies investigating MMPI profile pat- terns, providing extensive evidence for the MMPI's con- struct ...
It is recommended that future research that uses the MMPI-2 basic clinical scales examine the differential validity of the Subtle and Obvious scales.doi:10.1002/1097-4679(199507)51:43.0.CO;2-KDaniel BooneTrenton Psychiatric Hospital;Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley CompanyJournal of ...
④MMPI述情障碍量表,由Kleiger提出(1980), 其信、效度也不够好。 国外因此对述情障碍的评定量表常在研究制订和改进。Taylor等(1984)制订多伦多述情 障碍量表(以下简称TAS),经测试,具有较高的信度和效度(3,4),可以较全面而正确地 评估述情障碍的存在和严重程度,并可用于临麻,达到帮助治疗某些疾病的目的,因此应用 ...
PSM-R: Revised Optimism-Pessimism Scale for the MMPI-2 and MMPI. J Clin Psychol. 1995;51(2):205-14.Malinchoc M, Offord KP, Colligan RC (1995) PSM-R: Revised Optimism–Pessimism Scale for the MMPI-2 and MMPI. J Clin Psychol 51:205–214...
Effects of psychopathology and demographic characteristics on MMPI-2 scale scores - Schinka, LaLone, et al. - 1998 () Citation Context ...s were performed separately for men and women because there has been some suggestion in the literature that there are differences in MMPI-2 correlates on ...
By simulating the model, we evaluated the efficacy of MMPi therapy. Simulation results predict the lack of efficacy of MMPi in advanced cancer patients. The theoretical model may aid in evaluating the efficacy of anti-metastatic therapies, thus benefiting the design of prospective clinical trials....
④MMPI 述情障碍量表,由Kleiger 提出(1980), 其信、效度也不够好。 国外因此对述情障碍的评定量表常在研究制订和改进。Taylor 等(1984)制订多伦多述情 障碍量表(以下简称TAS),经测试,具有较高的信度和效度(3,4) ,可以较全面而正确地 评估述情障碍的存在和严重程度,并可用于临麻,达到帮助治疗某些疾病的目的,...
PSYCHOMETRPIRCOPERTIOEFSTHE EMBEDDEADND STAND-ALONE VERsIONS OF THE MMPI-2 KEANEPTSD SCALEpsychopathology, the PTSD group had higher rates of several disorders than did the non-PTSD group, including major depression (54.4% vs. 27.3%), x2 (1, N = 123) = 9.18, p < ....
Thomas P. PetzelWiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley CompanyJournal of Clinical PsychologyGynther, M. D., & Petzel, T. P. (1967). Differential endorsement of MMPI F Scale items by psychotics and behavior disorders. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 23, 185-188....
The influence of stress on MMPI scale scoresFirst page of articledoi:10.1002/1097-4679(195901)15:13.0.CO;2-RArthur E. EschenbachLouis DupreeJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdJournal of Clinical Psychology