TriangleB\mathrm{B}Bhas a width of6cm6cm6cmand a slant height ofx.x.x. To find the value ofxxxwe need a scale factor (which we can express as a ratio). Comparing two similar dimensions, the ratio of the width ofA\mathrm{A}Ato the width ofB\mathrm{B}Bis3:6.3:6.3:6.Simplifying ...
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1) and the scale factor is 3. We know that if the scale factor is 'k', the coordinates (x,y) of any figure are transformed to (kx,ky). This can also be understood by the formula: Dimension of the new shape = Dimensions of the original shape × Scale factor ...
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Given the large number of operationalizations of what well-being is, a large number of measures for its assessment also exist which vary in their level of generalization (i.e., one general factor vs. a higher order factor comprising several components). In some cases, only single items are...
Factor Required Single Specifies the ratio between the height of the shape after you resize it and the current or original height. For example, to make a rectangle 50 percent larger, specify 1.5 for this argument. RelativeToOriginalSize Required MsoTriState msoTrue to scale the shape relative to...
Though active-learning instruction has the potential to positively impact the preparation and diversity of STEM graduates, not all instructors are able to achieve this potential. One important factor is the teacher knowledge that instructors possess, including their pedagogical knowledge. Pedagogical knowled...
Andrews* Abstract Background: Though active-learning instruction has the potential to positively impact the preparation and diversity of STEM graduates, not all instructors are able to achieve this potential. One important factor is the teacher knowledge that instructors possess, including their ...
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