economies of scale (规模经济)以及diseconomies of scale (规模不经济)到底讲的是什么?麻鸡的经济bistro 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 1069 0 12:26 App 商务business AL/ IB HL boston matrix 波士顿矩阵你学会了吗 881 0 03:46:59 App 个人战略方法论(宏观篇)2025,基于全球&中国...
Sometimes, diseconomies of scale happen within an organization when a company's plant cannot produce the same quantity of output as another related plant. For example, if a product is made up of two components, gadget A and gadget B, diseconomies of scale might occur if gadget B is produced...
In economics, the termdiseconomies of scaledescribes the phenomenon that occurs when a firm experiences increasing marginal costs per additional unit of output. It is the opposite ofeconomies of scale. This is usually caused by a deployment problem with one or more factors of production, such as ...
B is correct. As the firm increases output, diseconomies of scale and higher average total costs can result when there is overlap and duplication of business functions and product lines. 【释义】当企业增加产量时,业务功能和产品线的重叠和重复会导致规模不经济和平均总成本的上升。反馈...
CFA笔记:规模经济(economies of scale)和规模不经济(diseconomies of scale)如何影响成本 (二) 当一家企业为了长期地提高生产量水平而增加全部的投入,这被称作扩大(scale up)生产。相反地,缩减(scale down)生产是指长期地降低生产量水平而减少全部的投入。如果在企业增加产量时,每单位生产成本降低,则出现规模经济...
规模不经济(Diseconomies of scale)指随着企业生产规模扩大,而边际效益却渐渐下降,甚至跌破零、成为负值。造成此现象的原因,可能是内部结构因规模扩大而更趋复杂,这种复杂性会消耗内部资源,而此耗损使规模扩大本应带来的好处相互消减,也有可能是官僚主义增长,或者创新壁垒增加,因此出现了规模不经济的...
diseconomies of scale 规模不经济 external diseconomies 外部不经济当双方的经济行为影响到不相干的第三者而产生损及他人的不良效果,称为外部不经济。例如工厂生产的空气污染、污水排泄、废物、噪音,危害居民健康等。参见:external economies. consumption diseconomies 消费方面的耗费增加 in scale 匀称的,恰如其分的,...
CFA笔记:规模经济(economies of scale)和规模不经济(diseconomies of scale)如何影响成本 (三) 和规模不经济可以同时发生,而对于长期平均总成本(LRAC)的影响则取决于二者谁占主导地位。如果规模经济占主导,则随着产量增加LRAC降低;如果规模不经济占主导,则随着产量增加LRAC增加。可能会出现在某个产量区间的LRAC下降(...