Weigh-Rite Scale has been providing scales for sale and scale service for over 25 years in the Upper Midwest.
The set was delivered in a cardboard box measuring 8 9/16 x 7 5/16 x 2 inches with display features (illustrated fold-out) for dealers at their store whereby individual cars could be purchased from the set. Sold also as a complete set with high price tag: as memory serves over $800...
Two gentlemen came to me once and sad they had some money saved. They asked if I would bet mad if they went into the composting business in a location near one of my distant outlets. I said I would not only not get mad, nut I would even purchase all their finished...
The disgraced former American footballer and actor O.J.Simpson has been grantedparoleand will be released from prison probably in October. He has served almost the minimum nine years to which he was sentenced for thearmed robberyof two sports memorabilia dealers in Las Vegas in 2008. A general...