TMS International Weight Conversion Calculator to convert between Metric, Gross, and Net tons; and calculate price rate per weight; as well as other calculatio…
Calculate Scale is a tool for calculating scale and converting lengths according to the given scale. Quickly calculate the scale factor.
Ready to create your own model train system and want to add buildings or nature but don't know how to scale them? Use our model train scale calculator!
You can also use the second calculator to find the scale of an item. There are lots of scales already included but feel free todrop me a lineif you want any more added. Scale Conversion Tool Find the Scale Tool Calculate the scale from two measurements. Keep both measurements in the same...
The "4.0" in the 4.0 GPA scale is identifying the highest possible grade that can be achieved for a course. In our calculator an A is equal to 4.0. If you needed to determine your grade on say a 5.0 GPA scale then an A or a perfect score would be 5.0 for a particular course. ...
Use Scale-o-Tron like a standard calculator, if you wish. • Memory functions • Backspace key If you're building from scratch or adding scale objects to your model, Scale-o-Tron can help. It’s the calculator for makers. Reach us at for questions or feedback....
Scaling drawings is a critical step in producing presentable documents for clients, builders, and our peers; despite being a small task, scaling drawings can take on a disproportionate amount of mental legwork for many designers.
conversion of 236.59 ml per cup.All-purpose flour conversions vary by over 20% just for U.S cups. For flour, I use 125 g per cup as it’s an average conversion and multiplies evenly.For salt, I use 5 g per teaspoon which is reasonably accurate for kosher and sea salt and wildly ...
The pocket calculator provides conversion of different currencies with the facility for adjustment of the decimal values. The keyboard has three numerical multiplication factors (M/1, M/100, M/1000) that are suitable for conversion between German values and the British pound, Swiss francs and Itali...
The pocket calculator provides conversion of different currencies with the facility for adjustment of the decimal values. The keyboard has three numerical multiplication factors (M/1, M/100, M/1000) that are suitable for conversion between German values and the British pound, Swiss francs and ...