The goal of scaling team is not growing team size but increasing team output and value. You can find out how tech companies reach that goal in various aspects: hiring, management, organization, culture, and communication in theorganizationsection. ...
The Precise Meaning of I/O Wait Time in Linux Paxos Made Live – An Engineering Perspective How to do Distributed Locking SQL Transaction Isolation Levels Explained "What Happens When... and How" Questions Netflix: What Happens When You Press Play? Monzo: How Peer-To-Peer Payments Work Tra...
It's important that each pod has a resource request set in its spec. The HPA algorithm can't correctly calculate the metrics and determine the resource utilization without this setting. You can set this limiting through the spec.template.spec.containers[].resources key in the deployment manifest...
An updated and organized reading list for illustrating the patterns of scalable, reliable, and performant large-scale systems. Concepts are explained in the articles of prominent engineers and credible references. Case studies are taken from battle-tested systems that serve millions to billions of user...
Must-Have Features in Distributed Cache Traditionally, developers have considered caching only static data, meaning data that never changes throughout the life of the application. But that data is usually a very small subset—maybe 10%—of the data that an application processes. Although you can ...
The Precise Meaning of I/O Wait Time in Linux Paxos Made Live – An Engineering Perspective How to do Distributed Locking SQL Transaction Isolation Levels Explained "What Happens When... and How" Questions Netflix: What Happens When You Press Play?
Must-Have Features in Distributed Cache Traditionally, developers have considered caching only static data, meaning data that never changes throughout the life of the application. But that data is usually a very small subset—maybe 10%—of the data that an application processes. Although you can ...
(RQM) as meaning something like all the properties of a physical object only exists in relation to another physical object. This resonated with me because after years of deep diving into relational and object modeling, I came to a similar conclusion in the realm of software. When I was ...
With object-based storage, the cluster has parallel and direct access to all data spread across the shared storage, meaning a large volume of data can be accessed in one simple step by the cluster for computation and visualization to improve speed in the movement of data between storage and ...
Furthermore, these states can be seen ONLY in that order, meaning that once the state of the set is {element1, element2} (at every replica), no subsequent read will return {} or {element1}. Positive side: This set is simple to reason about, as it is equivalent to a set ...