TGL是戴尔推出的第11代intel处理器,cpu:8核16个线程,比上一代10750增加了2个核心,频率提升0.4GHz,2个核4个线程,这个可以说是不小的一个升级了。显卡:NVIDA3060,号称追光显卡,其主要的就是2代RTCore的计算能力,是上一代的2倍,支持光线追踪,着色和计算。接口:3个USB3.0和TypeC 雷电...
支持的话 传输模式那里是 PCIE 4.0 X4 如果当前是PCIE 3.0的固态硬盘,插到4.0接口上,会显示 PCIE 3.0 X4 | PCIE 4.0 X4(竖线后面是 4.0就行)11800H CPU本身是支持PCIE 4.0的 970PRO 太贵了, 贵在采用MLC颗粒,写入寿命比较长,速度无优势 如果写入的数据量不是很大,3.0模式下...
Akka 是 JVM 平台上构建高并发、分布式和容错应用的工具包和运行时环境。Akka用Scala 语言编写,同时提供...
Nitro 23-24 【TEAM TLS】 男款雪鞋 Black Camel Mud ¥3490 Capita 23-24 【BIRDS OF A FEATHER】 RESORT 全能雪板 140 142 144 146 148 150 ¥5380 L1 23-24 【ONYX FLEECE】 MENS FLEECE JACKET BLACK M L ¥1390 BSRABBIT 23-24 【JK093】 COMFORTABLE PULLOVER SNAP JACKET IVORY/PINK...
A Play application using HTTPS and WS with optional client authentication - playframework/play-scala-tls-example
Two way authentication (also known as two way tls, two way ssl, mutual authentication): Https connection where the client as well as the counter party validates the certificate, also known as mutual authenticationCompatibilityJavaKotlinScalaAndroid 8+ 1.5+ 2.11+ 24+Usage...
Guys, I have an assignment to do but I have a hard time finding anything about the TGL Scala_TLS motherboard. I've googled it a few times but still nothing. What do I do and where do I find some info about it? Is there a nice web page that contains it all or can...
I mostly worked with Apache Http Client and therefor I created this project while just only focusing on configuring it for Apache. After some time I discovered that there are a lot more Java clients and there also some clients available based on Kotlin and Scala. Configuring ssl/tls can be...
Two way authentication (also known as two way tls, two way ssl, mutual authentication): Https connection where the client as well as the counter party validates the certificate, also known as mutual authenticationCompatibilityJavaKotlinScalaAndroid 8+ 1.5+ 2.11+ 24+Usage...