Variable Naming ConventionVariables should be named in camelCase style, and should have self-evident names. val serverPort = 1000 val clientPort = 2000 It is OK to use one-character variable names in small, localized scope. For example, "i" is commonly used as the loop index for a small...
To enable it, you can either pass --verbose or set the environment variable SCALA_REPL_PP_VERBOSE=true. Inherited classpath srp comes with it's own classpath dependencies, and depending on how you invoke it there are different requirements for controlling the inherited classpath. E.g. if ...
复制 Compiling...--NAMINGERROR---src/Error1.elmIcannot find a`error`variable:7|error{msg="Error happened"}^^^These names seem close though:error1 floor xor acosHint:Read<>to see how`import`declarations workinElm.Detected problemsin1module. 在使用Elm时,...
Local variable and function parameter names should comply with a naming convention Boolean literals should not be redundant Code Smell Class names should comply with a naming convention Code Smell Function names should comply with a naming convention ...
Local variable and function parameter names should comply with a naming convention "match case" clauses should not have too many lines of code Code Smell Unused "private" methods should be removed Code Smell Track uses of "TODO" tags
Scala allows angle brackets to be used in identifiers, like method and variable names. For example, defining a “less than” method and naming it < is common and allowed by Scala, whereas Java doesn’t allow characters like that in identifiers. So, to avoid ambiguity, Scala uses square bra...
However, defining a variable of type Double and assigning it an Int value will work because Int numbers can be converted to Double numbers automatically: scala> var y = 1.5 y: Double = 1.5 scala> y = 42 y: Double = 42.0 Naming Scala names can use letters, numbers, and a range of ...
A chain can often be made more understandable by giving the intermediate result a variable name, by explicitly typing the variable, and by breaking it down into more procedural style. As a contrived example: class Person(val data: Map[String, String]) val database = Map[String, Person] /...
It can be created using the Process.Command.apply method, which takes a variable number of arguments representing the command and its arguments. The Process object also provides a jvm sub-object for spawning JVM processes directly. import kyo.* class MyClass extends KyoApp: run { Console....
This rule flags instances of hard-coded credentials used in database and LDAP connections. It looks for hard-coded credentials in connection strings, and for variable names that match any of the patterns from the provided list. It’s recommended to customize the configuration of this rule with ...