sadhen:cmark-scala/ (unit) $ sbt [23:58:30] [info] Loading global plugins from /home/sadhen/.sbt/1.0/plugins [info] Updating ProjectRef(uri("file:/home/sadhen/.sbt/1.0/plugins/"), "global-plugins")... [info] Done updating. [info] Loading settings for project cmark-scala-build...
FunSuite 是 ScalaTest 框架提供的一种测试风格,灵感来自于传统的 xUnit 风格。它旨在为开发者提供一种简洁直观的方式编写测试用例。 2. 适用场景 FunSuite 风格适用于各种类型的测试,特别适合于那些习惯了传统 xUnit 风格的开发者。它可以用于编写单元测试、集成测试和功能测试等。 3. 多种主要实现用法及其代码示例...
munit-sbt/src/main/scala/munit/sbtmunit Resolve deprecation warnings Apr 6, 2021 munit bugfix: Print stack trace for assertEquals Nov 28, 2024 project Update mdoc, sbt-mdoc to 2.6.2 Dec 13, 2024 tests bugfix: Print stack trace for assertEquals ...
uTestis a testing framework for the Scala programming language. uTest aims to be both simple and convenient to use, to allow you to focus on what's most important: your tests and your code. This post will explore what makes uTest interesting, and why you should consider using it to bui...
SparkContext /** * Test IO to wasb */ object WasbIOTest { def main (arg: Array[String]): Unit = { val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("WASBIOTest") val sc = new SparkContext(conf) val rdd = sc.textFile("wasb:///HdiSamples/HdiSamples/SensorSampleData/hvac/HVAC.csv") //...
在Azure Toolkit for Eclipse 中使用 HDInsight 工具存取和管理 HDInsight Spark 叢集您可以使用 HDInsight 工具來執行各種作業,包括存取作業輸出。存取作業檢視在Azure Explorer 中,展開 [HDInsight],然後展開 [Spark 叢集名稱],然後選取 [作業]。 選取[ 作業] 節點。 如果 Java 版本低於 1.8,HDInsight 工具會...
@VisibleForTesting causes classpath issues. Please note this in the java doc instead (SPARK-11615). ]]></customMessage> </check> <check customId="runtimeaddshutdownhook" level="error" class="org.scalastyle.file.RegexChecker" enabled="true"> <parameters><parameter name="regex">Runtime...
def cancelTransaction(transactionId: String): Unit Attempts to cancel the specified transaction. Internally calls the Lake Formation CancelTransaction API. transactionId –(String) The transaction to cancel. Returns a TransactionCommittedException exception if the transaction was previously committed. def th...
The test code for the original class looks like this: val stock = new Stock("AAPL", "Apple", 0, 0) stock.buildUrl val html = stock.getUrlContent stock.getPriceFromHtml(html) assert(stock.getPrice == 500.0) This is a simple example of testing one method that has side effects, but...