多参数列表(Multiple Parameter Lists)的典型用例是foldLeft: traitIterable[A]{...// foldLeft应用一个2参数函数op到一个初始值z及该集合的所有元素上deffoldLeft[B](z:B)(op:(B,A)=>B):B...}valnumbers=List(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)valres=numbers.foldLeft(0)((m,n)=>m+n) 多参数列表的...
A way to write functions with multiple parameter lists. For instance def f(x: Int)(y: Int) is a curried function with two parameter lists. A curried function is applied by passing several arguments lists, as in: f(3)(4). However, it is also possible to write a partial application of... 多参数列表(Multiple Parameter Lists)通常,如果有充分的理由,您应该只使用多个参数列表。这些方法(或类似声明的函数)具有更详细的声明和调用语法,经验较少的Scala开发人员更难理解。您应该这样做的主要原因有三个:为了API的流畅性 多个参数列表允许您创建自己的“控制结构”:...
The new function value, multipleOf3, is a partially applied function, because it contains some but not all of the parameters for the factorOf() function. A cleaner way to partially apply functions is to use functions with multiple parameter lists. Instead of breaking up a parameter list into...
Methods may define multiple parameter lists. When a method is called with a fewer number of parameter lists, then this will yield a function taking the missing parameter lists as its arguments. 柯里化currying,指的是将原来接收多个参数的函数变成新的接受一个参数的函数的过程。
Multiple Parameter Lists Avoid using multiple parameter lists. They complicate operator overloading, and can confuse programmers less familiar with Scala. For example: // Avoid this! case class Person(name: String, age: Int)(secret: String) One notable exception is the use of a 2nd parameter ...
Multiple Parameter ListsAvoid using multiple parameter lists. They complicate operator overloading, and can confuse programmers less familiar with Scala. For example:// Avoid this! case class Person(name: String, age: Int)(secret: String)
Logically divide a stream into multiple partitions, each containing elements with the same key. The partitioning is internally implemented using hash partition. A KeyedStream is returned. Return the KeyedStream after the KeyBy operation, and call the KeyedStream function, such as reduce, fold, min...