Also, known as hash tables, maps have unique keys that are used to retrieve the value related to the key.There might be times in programming when you need to merge two maps into one for processing. And Scala provides you a method to concatenate two maps to one map in Scala....
Scala Code: objectFindDifferenceBetweenMapsExample{defmain(args:Array[String]):Unit={// Create two mapsvalmap1=Map("Red"->1,"Green"->4,"Blue"->2,"Orange"->3)valmap2=Map("Red"->5,"Green"->4,"Blue"->2,"Pink"->3)// Print the original mapprintln("Original map1: "+map1)prin...
Next, we will use the ++ operator to merge the two ListMaps together: val combinedCountryCapitals = countryCapitals1 ++ countryCapitals2 println("combinedCountryCapitals:") combinedCountryCapitals.foreach { entry => print("country: " + entry._1) println(", capital: " + entry._2) };Copy...
Scala - Maps Scala - map() Method Scala - flatMap() Method Scala - Create a Map Scala - Iterate Map Scala - Reverse Map Keys and Values Scala - Convert Immutable to Mutable Map Scala - Convert HashMap to Map Scala - Concatenate Two Maps ...
19. Write a Scala program to create a map and merge it with another map. Click me to see the sample solution20. Write a Scala program to create a map and find the difference between two maps. Click me to see the sample solution...
We can merge two lists to create a map; here, we use one list as keys and the other as values at the end, creating key-value pairs for the map.A few points to keep in mind while merging two lists are:The list we are using as a key should have unique elements. If the elements...
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, ...
MapsJSON Schema doesn't provide a first-class type for defining maps. As such, we translate a commonly-used convention into map types when encountered. When patternProperties is set to have a single entry, .*, we translate that to a smithy map type.JSON Schema:...
Links to Scala concepts used in this specific algorithm, also unit-tested. An implementation in pure-functional immutable Scala, with efficiency in mind (for most algorithms, this is for paid subscribers only). Unit tests, with a button to run them immediately in our in-browser IDE....
Figure 6 shows maps of two application-specific metrics extracted from applica- tion log files written every 10th timestep. On the Workload map we see the work- load metric calculated by the application. According to the developers, PEPC runs a workload-balancing algorithm every timestep where...