比方说,Scala之前的标准库的collection hierarchy是一个很好的例子,这个容器库的设计是彻底的坏掉了的[...
Type class dependencies are defined in terms of the Cats Effect class hierarchy. To support effect suspension, spata requires in general cats.effect.Sync type class implementation for its effect type. Some methods need enhanced type classes to support asynchronous or concurrent computation. Some are ...
Type Classes Understanding type classes Type class recipe Common type classes scala.math.Ordering org.scalactic.Equality cats.Semigroup Laws Usage examples cats.Monoid Laws Usage examples Higher-kinded types Arity Higher-order function Higher-kinded types cats.Functor Laws Usage examples cats.Apply Laws...
case class Ingredient(name: String, sugar: Double, fat: Double) case class Pizza(name: String, ingredients: Seq[Ingredient], vegetarian: Boolean, vegan: Boolean, calories: Int) To generate an Avro Schema, we need to use the AvroSchema object passing in the target type as a type parameter...
(clientAkkaAddress: String, jarPath: File, mainJarPattern: String, mainClass: String, sparkConfig: Config, akkaRemoteConfig: Option[Config], sendJars: Boolean = true): Try[Future[Unit]] = Try { val fullExtraJarFolder = jarPath.pathAsString val sparkHome = Properties.envOrNone("SPARK_...
In particular Repr might be instantiated to a type that is itself not a subtype of Traversable. That way, classes outside the collections hierarchy such as String and Array can still make use of all operations defined in a collection implementation trait. ...
Scala 是一种基于 JVM 的语言,也就是说.scala源码可以像 Java 一样编译为.class文件,同时被 JVM ...
The most likely cause is that the JVM does not perform "class hierarchy analysis" (CHA) for methods defined in interfaces, including default methods, as noted in JDK bug 8036580. This prevents the JIT from performing certain (important) optimizations. Most likely we will have to revert the ...
configproductivityframeworkscalaslf4jdependency-injectionloggerloggingrolesrpcscalajslogging-librarystructured-logginggenerativeziocats-effectpperizumifp-testingdistage-testkit Readme BSD-2-Clause license 618stars 20watching 66forks Releases92 1.2.16Latest ...