Scaffolding: Transforming Classroom Instruction to Support Student GrowthConley, KristinWilliams-Jackson, RebeccaJournal of College Literacy & Learning
Although new curricula and software tools now described as scaffolds have provided us with novel techniques to support student learning, the important theoretical features of scaffolding such as ongoing diagnosis, calibrated support, and fading are being neglected. This article discusses how to implement...
Feedback; Fixed/adaptive scaffolds; Guided participation; Hard/soft scaffolding; Implicit/explicit scaffolds; Scripts; Supporting student-centered learning tasks/environments; Zone of proximal developmentDefinition Scaffolding is a reciprocal feedback process in which a more expert other (e.g., teacher, ...
The teacher provides support, guidance, and feedback while the learner actively engages in the learning process. The term "scaffolding" refers to the temporary support that a teacher provides to a student. This support can take many forms, such as providing examples, asking leading questions, or...
Scaffolding student learning: Instructional approaches and issues. Advances in learning & teaching This volume explores the theory and practice of scaffolding—a style of instruction that provides students with the intellectual support to function at the cutting edge of their individual development. This ...
(Wood et al.1978) represents support that is tailored to a student’s understanding. Via fading, i.e., decreasing support, the responsibility for learning can be transferred which is the aim of scaffolding. However, this transfer is probably more effective when implemented contingently. Because ...
In this strategy, the teacher makes an explicit connection between a student or class of students' prior understanding and new learning. This strategy is best used within the context of a unit where each lesson connects to a lesson the students have just completed. The teacher can take advantag...
In this paper we consider the implications of moving from a paper‐based delivery of study support materials to electronic delivery. The paper is based on telephone interviews with 60 students who had received a range of study support materials from a series of 'student toolkits', which are pri...
measures to support the NCS students’learningofChinese, with a view to improvingthelearningandteaching of the Chinese Language. [...] 與孩子可多接觸及運用中文;擴大為升讀小一至小四的非華語學生提供的暑 期銜接課程的範疇,讓家長陪伴兒童學習中文;籌備資助計劃,以優化中文...
The goal is to nurture and support student learning of the skills to the point that students are able to use them independent of the teacher’s intervention. In our book, we refer to these different settings for discussions as “forms” and present three identified forms on a continuum—movin...