In example 1, the research critique paper, the online written group discussion provides a way to support students in learning the critique process before they write their individual papers. Groups of 15 students all critique the same research study and each student writes about one of the ...
Implement measures to control the risk of a fall if the internal gap—the gap between the inner edge of the length of the platform and the face of the building or structure immediately beside the platform—on scaffolds including hanging bracket scaffolds is greater than 225 mm. For example, i...
For example, a positive association between children’s depressive symptoms and parents’ minimizing responses: 1) may reflect the influence of parenting processes on children’s depressive symptoms because these childrearing strategies interfere with children’s processing or regulation of negative emotions...
feature: discrete attributes of a model or prototype that include intrinsic geometric parameters (i.e. length, width, depth, holes, slots, ribs, bosses, snap fits) and other basic elements of a product design. Figure7presents an example of designed unit cell architectures based on different fea...
In Teaching Children and Adolescents with Special Needs the authors provided an example of a procedural facilitator (hint, cue-card, partially completed example). When trying to teach the math skill of rounding, a 3 Scaffolding as a Teaching Strategy R. Van Der Stuyf teacher may list, “…...
When a child is confronted with an object with competition between potential semantic tags (e.g., ball / toy; apple/fruit) in conjunction with input from a caregiver as in the above example, we posit that this provides an opportunity for information to be fed from the ventral visual stream...
Nonetheless, there are many other dependent variables with the potential to enhance our understanding of EO left to explore, for example with respect to internal success measures such as employee satisfaction given that EO pervades the whole organization (e.g., Wales et al., 2011). Moreover, ...
Res. Public Health 2019, 16, 103 10 of 18 The questionnaire was structured in five parts, as follows: (A) Estimation of the percentage use of the different types of scaffolding in Spain; (B) Assessment of risk levels; B1. Evaluation of safety levels of the different scaffolding systems....