Scaffolding isa teaching method that involves gradually shedding the instructor's assistance as students increase their understanding. Scaffolding serves a variety of purposes during learning, allowing the instructor to: Provide support. Scaffolding Instruction for Students 30 related questions found What are...|基于19个网页 3. 支架式教学法 在教学方法上,本书采用的是建构主义所提倡的“支架式教学法”(Scaffolding Instruction)。所谓“支架”原本指建筑行业中使用的脚 …|基于7个网页 更多释义
Forexample, IftheythinkEnglishisasetofletters,words,sentencesandgrammarrules,theywillteachtheirstudentstoreadandwritetheseitemsinordertomasterthelanguage. IftheythinkEnglishisacommunicationtool,thentheywilltrytoteachthefunctionalsentences,suchas“Hello.”“Howdoyoudo.”“Goodbye!”whengreetingpeople;or...
You can scaffold instruction by chunking the lesson. By chunking, you're breaking a lesson into smaller, manageable sections. This makes learning easier and increases comprehension. The teacher can either chunk the text for students or have the students chunk it themselves. In a social studies cl...
Break new material down into bite-sized pieces and check in with students often. Scaffolded instruction should resemble a staircase where every new concept has its own stair. Rather than delivering complicated content all at once and testing for understanding at the end, give challenging concepts th...
STUDENTSEDUCATIONCLASSROOM environmentThis article describes how scaffolded instruction during whole-class mathematics lessons can provide the knowledge, skills, and supportive context for developing students' self-regulatory processes. In examining classroom interactions through discourse analysis, these qualitative...
Juliet. They may prepare for the reading of Act I by providing the definition "to remove" so that students will understand the meaning of "doff" when Juliet speaks from her balcony, "Romeo,doffthy name; And for that name, which is no part of thee, Take all myself" (II.ii.45-52)...
17.Scaffolding Instruction in the College English Teaching Mode Which Stresses the Students Independence;自主性大学英语教学模式中教师的支架作用 18.The Application of Scaffolding Instruction in Graphic Design Course Teaching支架式教学在平面设计课程教学中的应用 相关短句/例句 scaffolding instruction支架式教学 1...
L. (2005). Toward implementing distributed scaffolding: Helping students learn science from design. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 42, 185–217. Google Scholar Salomon, G. (1993). No distribution without individuals’ cognition: A dynamic interactional view. In G. Salomon (Ed.), ...
This theory, developed by Jerome Bruner in the late 1950's, is based on the idea that when students receive instruction and support during a new concept they are more likely to successfully grasp and use the concept independently. Three modes of representation are to be used during the instruc...