ICD9 133.0 ICD10 B86 SnomedCT 266224002, 154422001, 187215008, 67172004, 128869009 English Scabies, scabies, scabies (diagnosis), Scabies [Disease/Finding], Infestation by Sarcoptes scabiei (disorder), Sarcoptic itch, Infestation by Sarcoptes scabiei var hominis (disorder), Infestation by Sarcoptes ...
Widespread hyperkeratotic and crusted lesions may be present. The diagnosis is confirmed by observation of the scabies mite, eggs, or excretions in a skin scraping placed in mineral oil and examined under a microscope. A typical patient has only 10–12 adult female mites at one time, so ...
The clinical diagnoses of the patients were based on the International Classification of Diseases, 9th revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) system.15 The diagnoses of scabies (ICD-9-CM: 133.0) and PA (ICD-9-CM: 281.0) were determined by licensed doctors. Patients newly diag- nosed ...