ICD9 133.0 ICD10 B86 SnomedCT 266224002, 154422001, 187215008, 67172004, 128869009 English Scabies, scabies, scabies (diagnosis), Scabies [Disease/Finding], Infestation by Sarcoptes scabiei (disorder), Sarcoptic itch, Infestation by Sarcoptes scabiei var hominis (disorder), Infestation by Sarcoptes ...
【疾病名】疥疮【英文名】scabies概要.PDF,【疾病名】疥疮 【英文名】scabies 【缩写】 【别名】疥;疥螨病 【ICD 号】B86 【概述】 疥疮 (scabies)系由疥螨引起的接触传染性皮肤病,易在家庭及集体中传 播。国外于 1687年才使疥成为一有明确病因的疾病。我国早在隋朝已发现
ICD-9CM CODES 133.0 Scabies EPIDEMIOLOGY & DEMOGRAPHICS • Scabies is generally acquired by sleeping with or in the bedding of infested individuals. • It is generally associated with poor living conditions and is also common in hospitals and nursing homes. PHYSICAL FINDINGS & CLINICAL PRESENTATION...
The clinical diagnoses of the patients were based on the International Classification of Diseases, 9th revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) system.15 The diagnoses of scabies (ICD-9-CM: 133.0) and PA (ICD-9-CM: 281.0) were determined by licensed doctors. Patients newly diag- nosed ...
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