That's not easy to forget, how I wrecked it No, I never meant to make you feel less than (Ooh) Are you leaving tonight? You gonna tell me or what? And I plead you to try I've been down on my luck And I'll be back in your life Girl at the drop of a knife And I'm a...
bandage it up – keep that thing clean!), and be absolutely sure if you notice any signs of infection, to get that cut checked out straight away!
aLONGtime ago: it slows down delivery, because i have to email the customer, and then wait for an answer (which, frequently, never comes),BEFOREi can ship out their order, and i find it incredibly difficult to figure out how to say that they are paying more for shipping...
井下勘察作业,打开井盖探视井下状况、下井调查或施放探头、电极、导线前,应进行有毒、有害及可燃气体( ),超标人井应采用安全防护办法后才干进行作业。井口应有人看守并设立安全警示( )。不得在井内或通道内( )及使用明火。夜间作业时,应有足够照明度。井下作业完毕或作业人员离开人井时应及时...
s a danger of them lifting away from the skin and separating before the healing process has finished. It can be tempting to put a bandage on the wound to hold things together, but most experts recommend that people hold off until everything is completely dry. As the moisture evaporates, ...