Define scabland. scabland synonyms, scabland pronunciation, scabland translation, English dictionary definition of scabland. n. often scablands An elevated area of barren rocky land with little or no soil cover, often crossed by dry stream channels: the
Define scaups. scaups synonyms, scaups pronunciation, scaups translation, English dictionary definition of scaups. n. pl. scaup or scaups 1. Either of two diving ducks of the Northern Hemisphere, the male of which has gray, black, and white plumage. Also
aligns with the broadcaster’s long-term property strategy. "We’re excited to work with the state government to ensure our new home meets the needs of our staff and embraces the latest in broadcasting technology," he said. South Australia’s Arts Minister Andrea Michaels welcomed the initiative...
SCA and SSCA latent space definition SCA latent space is generated using as input a tab delimited text file having as first column the feature id associated with the latent space node and a second column having the input/output gene associated to the latent space node. Third column is compulso...
(A) The red line stands for the threshold of −2.5 SD, the definition of osteoporosis on DEXA. (B) The red line stands for the fracture threshold of 145 HU. Note that patient no. 7 did not have an available SBAC-L1. AS: Ankylosing spondylitis, RA: Rheumatoid Arthritis. VF: ...
Although SCA 10 (if it codifies existing law) will weigh in favor of an individual’s right to privacy before viability and there have been challenges to fetal homicide convictions based on a definition of viability (see, e.g., Davis, 7 Cal.4th 797), identifying and balancing the ...
Although SCA 10 (if it codifies existing law) will weigh in favor of an individual’s right to privacy before viability and there have been challenges to fetal homicide convictions based on a definition of viability (see, e.g., Davis, 7 Cal.4th 797), identifying and balancing the ...
Define scapose. scapose synonyms, scapose pronunciation, scapose translation, English dictionary definition of scapose. adj. Consisting of, having, or borne on a scape: scapose stems; a scapose inflorescence. American Heritage® Dictionary of the Engli
Define marasca. marasca synonyms, marasca pronunciation, marasca translation, English dictionary definition of marasca. n. A tree of any of several cultivars of the sour cherry that bear small bitter fruit from which maraschino is made. American Heritage
The following subsections explain the structure of the ADSG, simulated driving test procedure, and definition of ground truth for driver drowsiness. Figure 2. Automated driving simulator of Graz (ADSG). To cancel the external noise and adjust the indoor temperature, ADSG is separated from its ...