abstract YAML structure: exclusions *scanTypeName*: *ignoringType: - *ignoringValue1* - *ignoringValue2* Possiblevalues of scanTypeName: iac, sca, sast, secret. Possiblevalues of ignoringType: paths, values, rules, packages, shas. Warning Valuesfor "ignore by value" are not stored as...
Abstract Medical image segmentation is essential for both diagnostic and therapeutic applications, requiring the precise delineation of complex anatomical structures. In this paper, we introduce a lightweight Spatial-Channel-Attention-based network for efficient medical image segmentation, named SCA-Inception...
Smart City Asia - a professional trade platform that connects Enterprises with Government and Buyers in Vietnam - enhancing a better living standard for Cities in Vietnam Co-organized by Ho Chi Minh City leaders and Ministries with support from related industries' Association and Organization, the ...
Abstract There will be an engine for expressing arbitrarily intricate policies for financial planning, execution, and study thruwaut ; today, it is hardcoded as a market maker. We also endeavor to provide a constructive extension of Kerckhoffs's Law to game theory, although it may require [un...
* * @param statement SQL template * @param rawParameters parameters * @param f extractor function * @tparam A return type */ abstract class SQL[A, E <: WithExtractor]( val statement: String, private[scalikejdbc] val rawParameters: Seq[Any] )(f: WrappedResultSet => A) extends ...
at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.bind(AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java:513) at java.net.Socket.bind(Socket.java:661) at com.vmware.vapi.endpoint.http.BaseServerBuilder.isPortAccessible(BaseServerBuilder.java:172) at com.vmware.vapi.endpoint.http.BaseServerBuilder.trimInvalidEndpoints(BaseServerBuilder.java...
* @tparam A return type*/abstractclassSQL[A, E <: WithExtractor]( val statement: String,private[scalikejdbc] val rawParameters: Seq[Any] )(f: WrappedResultSet=>A) extends Extractor[A] {...}/** * Extractor*/private[scalikejdbc] trait Extractor[A] { ...
* @tparam A return type*/abstractclassSQL[A, E <: WithExtractor]( val statement: String,private[scalikejdbc] val rawParameters: Seq[Any] )(f: WrappedResultSet=>A) {...} Update功能置于下面这几个子类中: /** * SQL which execute java.sql.Statement#executeUpdate(). ...
Abstract This paper explores the use of extreme points in an object (left-most, right-most, top, bottom pixels) as input to obtain precise object segmentation for images and videos. We do so by adding an extra channel to the image in the input of a convolutional neural network (CNN), ...
Abstract In recent years,as the rapidly development of software radio technology,software defined radio has become the development direction f wirelwireless communlcationsnications field.whichfield wMcla willwill cause a revolution’nreVOlUtlOn in DOWN , military and commercial areas.Software communication...