3.4Local Spectral Matching 得到一致性集合后,使用加权SVD计算变换矩阵。SVD计算变换矩阵原理可参考:雷达系列论文翻译(一):Least-Squares Fitting of Two 3-D Point Sets SC2来计算权值不太合适,作者定义了新的矩阵用于计算权值: 然后使用3.2节中的方法计算一个主特征向量作为权值,代码中是计算主特征向量后再归一化...
If you are using conda, you may configure SC2-PCR as: conda env create -f environment.yml conda activate SC2_PCR 3DMatch Data preparation Downsample and extract FPFH and FCGF descriptors for each frame of the 3DMatch test dataset.Herewe provide the processed test set with pre-computed FPFH...
Product Categories PCR qPCR and RT-qPCR Product GoTaq® Enviro Wastewater Flu A, Flu B, SC2 SystemDon't miss out! Stay notified of Promega events, products and news. Sign Up Need Assistance? Contact Promega Customer and Technical Support Local Contact (608) 274-4330 Products ...
Quantitative real-time PCR assay for some DEGs in RNA-seq To confirm the RNA-seq results, ten upregulated or downregulated genes from our RNA-seq analysis were selected, and qRT-PCR was used to confirm the expression changes of these genes with polymyxin B or not. Complementary DNA (cDNA)...
qPCRTag分析 - 高通量,实时定量PCR检测方法的基因分型Sc2.0Leslie A. MitchellNick A. PhillipsAndrea LafontJames A. MartinRupal CuttingJef D. Boeke
用已报道的检测非核糖体肽合成酶(non-ribosomal peptide synthetases, NRPSs)基因保守区的兼并引物TGD和LGG为引物,以多粘类芽孢杆菌(P. polymyxa )SC2的基因组DNA为模板进行PCR扩增,获得一段长度为497bp的NRPS基因保守区序列。采用热不对称交错PCR(TAIL-PCR)方法,以SC2菌株基因组DNA为模板,根据NRPS基因保守区序列...
验证:利用PCR、测序、FISH、Hi-C等技术,对合成的染色体进行结构和功能的验证,检测其与设计的一致性,以及对细胞表型的影响。改造:利用SCRaMbLE系统,对合成的染色体进行随机重组,产生大量的基因组变异,筛选出具有新特性或新功能的酵母菌株。相关研究团队 美国纽约大学合成生物学家、Sc2.0计划领导者Jef Boeke博士,...
防火抗化学性的储藏柜具有很好的安*全结构特点,能够安*全的保存具有发生火灾风险的样品材料。 型号: SC2-30F-1912D2-C, SC2-30F-1906D1-C, SC2-30F-1312D2, SC2-30F-1306 支付方式: 支付宝微信银行转账 产品完善度:访问次数:442 企业档案
Redundant Power Supply Cage FUPCRPSCAGE (for Intel® Server Chassis P4000 Family) Q1'12Discontinued North America Power cable FPWRCABLENA Q2'06Discontinued Intel® Server Component Extended Warranty 1ProductsCOMPARE ALL Product Name Status
Protein Activity Test Experiment Service Immunoprecipitation (IP) Experiment Service Buffer Endotoxin Removal Kit II Real Time PCR Experimental Service Spike RBD Protein (S-RBD) Protein G Protein ARelated products Catalog No. Organism species: Homo sapiens (Human) Applications (RESEARCH USE ONLY!) RPH...