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Preparing for the SC-400 Microsoft Information Protection Administrator exam? Don’t know where to start? This post is the SC-400 Certificate Study Guide (with links to each exam objective).I have curated a list of articles from Microsoft documentation for each objective of the SC-400 exam. ...
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Expected SC-400 Exam Topics, as suggested by Microsoft : Topic 1:Implement information protection: In this topic, Microsoft administrators gain expertise in creating and managing sensitive information types and trainable classifiers, equipping them to identify and categorize organizational data effectively....
As i am preparing for the SC - 400 exam, could you please inform me which solution portal is in scope? The new MS Purview portal or the classic one? The learn articles all refer to the old one. Thank you!Not Monitored Not Monitored Tag not monitored by Microsoft. 39,946 questions...
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Try Sample Exam » The sample practice exam covers the basics of Microsoft SC-400 certification exam. To evaluate your readiness and assess your subject knowledge with real-time scenario based question-answers, we strongly recommend you to prepare with premium Microsoft Administering Information Protec...
了解如何規劃和實作組織的資料生命週期和記錄管理原則。 此學習路徑與測驗 SC-400:Microsoft 資訊保護系統管理員一致。此學習路徑可幫助您準備 Exam SC-400: Administering Information Protection and Compliance in Microsoft 365。必要條件 了解雲端運算概念。 了解Microsoft 365 的產品和服務。 對Microsoft Purview 合規...
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