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LORD Corporation 111 LORD Drive Cary, NC 27511-7923 USA Telephone: 814 868-3180 Non-Transportation Emergency: 814 763-2345 Chemtrec 24 Hr Transportation Emergency No.800 424-9300 (Outside Continental U.S. 703 527-3887) EFFECTIVE DATE: 04/14/2023 GHS CLASSIFICATION:Serious eye damage/eye ...
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Contact your Parker Lord representative if assistance is needed using this equipment.Avoid applying CoolTherm SC-1600 gap filler to surfaces that contain cure inhibiting ingredients, such as amines, sulfur, or tin salts. If bonding surface is in question, apply a test patch of gap filler to the...
LORD洛德SC320胶水 美国LORD洛德高导热灌封胶 SC320灌封胶 洛德品牌 北京瑞德佑业科技有限公司 3年 查看详情 ¥135.00/支 广东深圳 DexerialsSC950灰色耐高温防水密封胶迪睿合SC970散热导热胶水 灰色 耐高温 深圳市久安岁月科技有限公司 3年 查看详情 ¥145.00/支 广东深圳 DexerialsSC970灰色硅胶双极板电堆密...
爱企查为您提供上海仓铄实业有限公司洛德Lord 389 SC320 406 MX/T6 310 1600 7545 7550C 7555等产品,您可以查看公司工商信息、主营业务、详细的商品参数、图片、价格等信息,并联系商家咨询底价。欲了解更多密封胶、酒精布、防焊胶、充电枪、胶粘剂、助焊剂、清洁剂、合剂
sc 3000 bh1600 ¥0.59成交0件 丝印制版胶片20丝喷墨打印胶片防水乳白半透明卷材手账分隔页胶片 安徽森彩影像材料有限公司4年 回头率:26.3% 安徽 广德县 相似 ¥275.5成交16件 湖南长沙特产 聚美合臭豆腐,臭咕咾臭豆腐生胚批发2000片内4包装 长沙市聚美合豆制品有限公司16年 ...
洛德Lord 389 sc-1600 SC320 406 MX/T6 310 315 7545 7550C 7555 上海仓铄实业有限公司 4年 月均发货速度: 暂无记录 上海市 ¥22.00 成交881台 FTTH无源光接收光纤带WDM广电接收机光电转换有线ftth 三网合一 烟台市亚太光电设备有限公司 8年 月均发货速度: 暂无记录 山东 烟台市芝罘区 ¥1.4...
Lord Digby, later 1st Earl of Bristol, who had commissioned van Dyck’s celebrated double portrait of himself with William, Lord Russell, now at Althorp. He later served as a volunteer in the royal forces, before travelling in France and Italy. In 1654 Bennet became secretary to James, Duk...
Contact your Parker Lord representative if assistance is needed using this equipment.Avoid applying CoolTherm SC-1600 gap filler to surfaces that contain cure inhibiting ingredients, such as amines, sulfur, or tin salts. If bonding surface is in question, apply a test patch of gap filler to the...