connector连接器光纤连接器fiber光纤instruction ST、SC、FC、LC光纤接头区别 FC型又分为FC/FC和FC/PC(APC)型,前一个FC是FerruleConnector的缩写,表明其外部加强件是采用 金属套,紧固方式为螺丝扣;后面的FC表明接头的对接方式为平面对接,PC是PhysicalConnection的 缩写,表明其对接端面是物理接触,即端面呈凸面拱型结...
厂家直供 sc sm适配器 光纤耦合连接器 fiber optic SC法兰光纤连 宁波格来利电子科技有限公司 13年 月均发货速度: 暂无记录 浙江 慈溪市 ¥0.23 成交177227个 速豪亿通SC-SC单工光纤法兰耦合器 电信级法兰盘连接器光纤适配器 北京速豪亿通光纤科技有限公司 5年 月均发货速度: 超3日 北京市 ¥...
厂家直供 sc sm适配器 光纤耦合连接器 fiber optic SC法兰光纤连 宁波格来利电子科技有限公司13年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 浙江 慈溪市 ¥8.80成交785台 光纤适配器SC/LC/FC/ST单工耦合器双工法兰双母对接转换头电信级 广州弘纤科技有限公司1年 回头率:25% ...
SC/FC/ST Fiber Cleaning Pen Fiber Cleaner fiber cleaning kit Fiber Optic Cleaning Solutions: One-Click Cleaner With Innovative Push-to-Clean Design Mini Designed to specially work well with the SC, FC, and ST connectors, this instrument cleans the ferrule end faces remo...
Fast Connector is a perfect solution for filed working and FTTH connection. It is widely used where needed for quick connection, providing a quick assembly and stable performance. When engineers work in the field for installation, maintenance, repair of optical fiber, or FTTH indoor termina...
Optical Media Converter RJ45 SC / FC / St Connector Htb-3100s 25 Km 10 / 1000m FTTH Fiber Fusion Splicer Telecommunication 25KM (1 review) Burboro(shenzhen) International Technology Co., Ltd4 yrsCN Key attributes Industry-specific attributes...
Product name:SC LC FC ST standard fiber optic connectors;Color:Green,Blue,Beige;fiber type:SM,MM;Connector type:fc APC or FC UPC;Fiber cable type:for 0.9,2.0,3.0 cable;Operate Temperature:-40℃to 85℃;Insert loss:< 0.25db;Return loss:> 60db;Application:F
SC, FC, LC, ST SM or MM Fiber Optic Connector 1. Feature 1) Superior qualified standard polishing; 2) 100% optic test: Insertion Loss: ≤ 0.3 (PC); ≤ 0.2 (APC); ≤ 0.2 (UPC); ≤ 0.3 (SPC); 3) 100% optic test: Return Loss: ≥ 45 (PC); ≥ 60 (APC); ≥ 55...
Surelink SC FC LC ST UPC Fiber Optic Fast connector for ftth drop cable fibre optical sx green fast connector Fast connector are factory pre-polished field-installable connectors that completely eliminate the need for hand polishing in the fie...
SC FC LC ST UPC Fiber Optic Fast connector for ftth drop cable fibre optical sx fast connector cable connector fiber optic equipment Fast connector are factory pre-polished field-installable connectors that completely eliminate the need for hand p...