1.2 卸载,启动,停止 可直接在命令符中输入: "SC"里面有很多语法可进行操作。 卸载服务:scdelete '服务名称' 启动服务:scstart '服务名称' 停止服务:scstop '服务名称' 创建服务注意了:Sc.exe 1、在开始–运行打上cmd回车,弹出dos界面 2、输入 启动服务 ...
Problem is: context variable _curIndex is set when there is first call of switchTo (at point a): It's interesting that if we comment point b the variable is null at point a. There are no external sets... Using PHP's session_start(); more than once? Will it clear the past session...
2.当提权成功,3389没开的情况下,上传开3389的vps没成功时,试试上传rootkit.asp 用刚提权的用户登录进去就是system权限,再试试一般就可以了。 3.cmd拒绝访问的话就自己上传一个cmd.exe 自己上传的后缀是不限制后缀的,cmd.exe/cmd.com/cmd.txt 都可以。 4.cmd命令:systeminfo,看看有没有KB952004、KB956572、KB...
Problem is: context variable _curIndex is set when there is first call of switchTo (at point a): It's interesting that if we comment point b the variable is null at point a. There are no external sets... Using PHP's session_start(); more than once? Will it clear the past session...