The social enterprise SC Proiect Mozaic SRL is the result of a meeting between the social sector, the non-profit sector and the business sector because it has at its basis a partnership with an important group of companies from the field of constructions and in...
The graph above shows the market trend analysis of sc zag proiect молдова 3900 мкахулвулфрунз for the past year, which can be used to understand the current supply cycle and business stability of the company from the trend of different dimensions such as quantity,...
The social enterprise SC Proiect Mozaic SRL is the result of a meeting between the social sector, the non-profit sector and the business sector because it has at its basis a partnership with an important group of companies from the field of constructions and interior design from Bucharest. In...
Un proiect de reunificare bisericească din anul 1812 şi semnificaţiile luiThe paper deals with the project of Eastern and Western Churches reunification, drafted by the orthodox Karlowitz metropolitan bishop tefan Stratimirovi in 1812. The sources which were used, mentioned in the ...