sc是dos命令 ;打开RemoteAccess 服务这个服务很重要,
sc config RemoteAccess start= demand 说明:RemoteAccess是“Routing and Remote Access”服务的名字 start=“空格(一定要)”demand(手动)/auto(自动)/disabled(禁止) 2、启动停止服务 sc start RemoteAccess sc stop RemoteAccess net start RemoteAccess net stop RemoteAccess...
sc config helpsvc start= demand sc config policyAgent start= demand sc config dmserver start= demand sc config WmdmpmSn start= demand sc config Spooler start= demand sc config RemoteRegistry start= demand sc config NtmsSvc start= demand sc config seclogon start= demand sc config Schedule start...
sc config 描述: 在注册表和服务数据库中修改服务项。 用法: sc <server> config [service name] ... 选项: 注意:选项名称包括等号。 type= <own|share|interact|kernel|filesys|rec|adapt> start= <boot|system|auto|demand|disabled> error= <normal|severe...
Set-SCVirtualMachine [-VM] <VM> [-VMwareResourcePool <VmwResourcePool>] [-StartAction <VMStartAction>] [-StopAction <VMStopAction>] [-RemoveSelfServiceUserRole <Boolean>] [-EnableOperatingSystemShutdown <Boolean>] [-EnableTimeSync <Boolean>] [-EnableDataExchange <Boolean>] [-...
SC 命令开启系统服..使用命令行启动服务 1. 打开“命令提示符”。 2. 键入: sc configservice namestart={boot|system|auto|demand|disabled} 值 描述 sc
Specifies the amount of random access memory (RAM), in megabytes (MB), on the host that this cmdlet allocates to the converted virtual machine. The default value is 512 MB. For a virtual machine on which dynamic memory is enabled on a host that runs Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 or later...
数据中心桥接 DCBX Data Center Bridging eXchange 数据中心桥接交换 DPDK Data Plane Development Kit 数据面开发套件 E ECN Explicit Congestion Notification 显式拥塞通知 ETS Enhanced Transmission Selection 增强型传送选择 EVB Edge Virtual Bridging 边界虚拟桥接 ...
This feature uses the remote direct memory access (RDMA) technology to reduce the packet processing and forwarding latency of the NIC, to reduce the CPU usage, and to implement low-latency data transmission over the data center network. With the RoCE feature, the end-to-end read and write ...