Coming straight to the nub of the matter, while commuting the death sentence awarded to a man who was convicted for the rape and murder of a five year old girl, the Supreme Court recently in a latest, landmark and laudable judgment titled S...
Except for death or personal injury caused by the negligence of the Bank, to the fullest extent permitted by law, the Bank and members of the Bank’s group shall have no liability in respect of, and will be indemnified from and against, any liability, loss, claim, damage or costs of an...
SC Johnson values the trust you place in us when you provide us with your personal information. We take your privacy seriously and are committed to protecting it. This Privacy Notice applies to any personal information SC Johnson collects online.
06 COD_ITEM The item code according to record 0200 07 CFOP The Fiscal Code of Operation and Provision (CFOP) 08 QTD. The item quantity. No negative values are used for returns. The values are always positive. 09 ICMS_TOT The total value of ICMS that is supported by the taxpayer ...
This chapter focuses on several core challenges to achieving genuinely effective capture fisheries management: understanding fisheries and their environment, reconciling utilization and conservation, and considering social and equity issues. The challenges also include assessing incentive structures, linking fisher...
1Operation where the restitution or complement of ICMS-ST is applicable in the hypothesis of Item I of Article 269 of the RICMSOutgoing fiscal document to final consumers with ICMS-ST tax type and taxation code = 60 2Operation where the restitution of ICMS-ST is applicable in the hypothes...
06 COD_ITEM The item code according to record 0200 07 CFOP The Fiscal Code of Operation and Provision (CFOP) 08 QTD. The item quantity. No negative values are used for returns. The values are always positive. 09 ICMS_TOT The total value of ICMS that is supported ...
06 COD_ITEM The item code according to record 0200 07 CFOP The Fiscal Code of Operation and Provision (CFOP) 08 QTD. The item quantity. No negative values are used for returns. The values are always positive. 09 ICMS_TOT The total value of ICMS that is supported by the ta...