女,2岁。自幼青紫,生长发育落后于同龄小儿,反复上呼吸道感染,现因发热、咳嗽3天入院。查:体温38.5℃,口唇发绀,咽部充血,双肺呼吸音粗,无干湿啰音,心率136次/分,胸骨左缘 2~5 肋间可闻及Ⅱ~Ⅲ级喷射性收缩期杂音,指(趾)端发绀明显,有杵状指。患儿拟做胸部X线检查,护士预计其结果可能是 ...
Our Service does not address anyone under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from anyone under the age of 13. If You are a parent or guardian and You are aware that Your child has provided Us with Personal Data, please contact Us. If We become ...
http://www.dumbingofage.com/2011/comic/book-1/04-the-bechdel-test/cam/ Also I’m guessing this is a re-upload since neither Roz nor Joe would refer to themselves like the title. Ceetee August 30, 2018 at 1:33 am | # Nah, Roz uploaded it using her sisters name as part of a...
Over the past 12 months, EdApp has collected personal information from you as provided in the “What information we collect” section above. EdApp may share your information with third parties as provided in the “Information we share” section above. ...
41 对于下图所示的Students和SC关系,属性Sno 表示学号,Sname 表示姓名,Sex表示性别,SD 表示专业,Age表示年龄,Cno表示课程号,Grade表示成绩。a.当用户查询“选了课程 2 的学生数”时,其结果应为 () ;当 Students 和 SC关系进行自然连接时,其结果集的属性列数应为 ()。b.查询“至少选修了两门课程的每个学生的...
This paper examines the developmental patterns of #sC clusters in 40 English speaking children, ages 2;5 to 4;2, (mean age 3;1). The central focus is the production of different groups of #sC clusters and how these productions relate to sonority sequencing of sounds. We evaluated the patt...
It is not known if Orencia is safe and effective in children less than two years of age.Before takingYou should not use Orencia if you are allergic to Orencia, abatacept, or any of the components of the intravenous or subcutaneous injection....
nation’s privileged elite. In fact, there is credible evidence to suggest Epstein transported many underage girls – along with wealthy businessmen and powerful politicians – aboard his so-called “Lolita Express,” a private plane which made frequent trips to his tropical island in the ...
AJunior– Is any individual below the age of 18 years. Important notice to parents / legal guardians: These Terms govern the use by both you and your child of the App, including a child for whom you are the legal guardian (henceforth known as a ‘Junior’). By downloading the App and...
Seeking treatment for those bulging, sometimes painful veins that pop up more often as you age? Here's what to know about Medicare coverage for varicose veins. Christine ComizioDec. 4, 2024 Who Needs a Medigap Plan? Depending on your Medicare plan, Medigap may help you save some money ...