but in 1895 took to editing Socialist newspapers, first at Giessen and afterwards successively at Nurnberg, Offenbach and Kassel. In 1903 he was elected member of the Reichstag for the great industrial constituency of Solingen, and in .the course of the ...
W okre- sie republiki weimarskiej, inaczej niz za czasöw cesarstwa, obsadzano to eksponowane politycznie stanowisko wyl^cznie urzQdnikami miejscowymi. W latach 1919-1922 byl to Joseph Bitta (1856-1932), w latach 1923-1929 Alfons Proske (1881-1950), zas w lauch 1929-1933 Hans ...
Philipp Scheidemann was a German Social Democratic politician who, without party or government authorization, on Nov. 9, 1918, made the Weimar Republic a fact by proclaiming it from the balcony of the Reichstag. He later became the republic’s first chan
Mécène de Gauguin, grand proche d'Odilon Redon, Gustave Fayet ne cessa de défendre ces deux artistes en faisant rayonner leur art, comme en témoigne la rétrospective Paul Gauguin á Weimar en 1905 et au Salon d'Automne á Paris en 1906 dont Fayet fut l'un des principaux prêteurs....