Background and aims: This is an in natura study aimed to determine the potential of Rosmarinus officinalis for phytostabilization of trace metal and metalloid (TMM)-contaminated soils in the Calanques National Park (Marseille, southeast of France). The link between rosemary...
Background and aims This is an in natura study aimed to determine the potential of Rosmarinus officinalisfor phytostabilization of trace metal and metalloid (TMM)-contaminated soils in the Calanques...doi:10.1007/s11104-014-2135-4Affholder, Marie-Cécile...
This is an in natura study aimed to determine theAffholderAix Marseille UniversitéM. C.Aix Marseille UniversitéPricopAix Marseille UniversitéA. D.Aix Marseille UniversitéLaffont-SchwobAix Marseille UniversitéI.Aix Marseille UniversitéCoulombAix Marseille UniversitéB....