我們持續挑戰視頻技術的極限。在LinkedIn,X(以前的Twitter),Facebook,Instagram,Threads和YouTube上關注Brightcove。請訪問Brightcove.com。 Source: Kantar IBOPE Media - Instar Analytics - Household Data - SHR% Total Connected - Greater São Paulo and Metropolitan Regions (15 markets) - 24 hours - Jan t...
我們憑藉在業界長期領先的創新和正常執行時間贏得兩項科技和工程艾美獎 (Technology and Engineering Emmy® Award),同時具備無與倫比的可擴展性,不斷推動視訊科技的發展。請在LinkedIn、X(前Twitter)、Facebook、Instagram、Threads和YouTube關注Brightcove,並造訪:Brightcove.com。 資料來源:Kantar IBOPE Media — Inst...
上个月,Fair.xyz 以 3300 万美元估值获得由 Eden Block 领投的 450 万美元融资,OpenSea 也进行了投资,其他投资方包括 NFX 和 First Minute Capital 等,以及来自 NFT 领域的影响者,包括 Zeneca 和 0xb1,以及来自皇家马德里足球俱乐部、Youtube、TikTok、Meta 和 Net-A-Porter 的天使投资人。 值得一提的是,Fai...
[Learn More] [Watch on YouTube] Long Call Long Put Expiration: screen download Show Only Strike: Apply Reset There is no option data for this symbol and month, or the options for the selected month have already expired. 1D 5D 1M 3M 6M 1Y 5Y MAX Back to top Contact Barchart ...
You can also run SBTtasksdirectly from the SBT tool window: It’s now possible tobuildprojects using SBT (instead of IntelliJ IDEA’s internal build system). As this option is still experimental, it should be manually enabled viaBuild / Execution / Deployment /...
We need your consent to load the YouTube Video service! We use YouTube Video as third-party tool to Functional . By clicking on "Accept", you consent to the data processing by YouTube Video. You can access further information on data processing via "More information". You can revoke your...
No single week without the news about IntelliJ IDEA 15 EAP and the new features we are working on to ship in the next major release coming this fall. Some of you may already have given the preview a try, some are just getting ready to it. You can find an extensive list of the new...
作为女权主义歌手的Angèle,在Ins上拥有281万名粉丝,在Youtube上拥有130万订阅者,尽管她一共只上传了21个视频。 她最被人耳熟能详的歌曲《Balance ton quoi》(反抗侵犯你的东西)在Youtube上一经上传,便达到8223万次观看,也正是这首歌,从MV画面到歌词处处表达着她对女性自由和权利的支持。