下载地址:[https://www.scala-sbt.org/download.html]。 Spark2x 用的是0.13.1x 版本的 SBT,这里以 1.3.8 版本为例进行演示; Windows 下不建议用.msi安装,老实下载.zip或.tgz,然后解压缩配置吧:-) 3 - 修改配置 假设你安装到了D:\Software\sbt-1.3.8\目录下。依次执行下述步骤: 3.1 配置环境变量 新...
-:[https://www.scala-sbt.org/download.html]。 Spark2x 用的是0.13.1x 版本的 SBT,这里以 1.3.8 版本为例进行演示; Windows 下不建议用 .msi 安装,老实下载 .zip 或 .tgz,然后解压缩配置吧:-) 3 - 修改配置 假设你安装到了 D:\Software\sbt-1.3.8\ 目录下。依次执行下述步骤: 3.1 配置环境变量...
Windows下sbt安装配置 1.下载sbt1.2.8 官网:https://sbt-downloads.cdnedge.bluemix.net/releases/v1.2.8/sbt-1.2.8.tgz2.配置环境#SBT_HOME设置为sbt解压目录,例如: #在path中添加: 3.sbt配置 在sbt\conf\sbt scala maven jar 配置环境 官网 转载 mb5fdb0a4002420 2019-02-12 10:03:00 223阅读...
To start the sbt shell, pressCtrl+Shift+S(for Windows) or⌘+⇧+S(for Mac OS X). Alternatively, click on the toolbar located at the bottom of the screen. To use the sbt shell for build and import procedures, select theUse sbt shellsection located in thesbt settingsand perform steps...
This issue also appears when starting SBT from the (Windows 10) command line. It seems to be related to the SBT launcher - what is put into this directory are the downloads for SBT itself. So maybe the launcher has a bug? I recently upgraded to the SBT launcher 1.3.13. As I got ...
Section: Windows or Linux Shortcuts: Windows sbt Last modified: 17 May 2021 Open an existing sbt project To create a new project, launch theNew Project wizardand follow the steps suggested in the wizard such as selectingScalaandsbt; specifying the project's location, JDK along with sb...
sbt.sh Implement sbt-launch.jar download Apr 20, 2021 server.md setting query is "sbt/setting" Oct 3, 2017 Repository files navigation README License sbt sbt is a build tool for Scala, Java, and more. For general documentation, see https://www.scala-sbt.org/. sbt 1.x This is the ...
1.下载地址https://www.scala-sbt.org/download.html,使用最新版即可 本文使用的是windows操作环境,安装的目录是C:\opt\sbt\ 2.SBT是scala开发的,所以安装SBT之前需要安装JDK 3.maven使用xml来配置,gradle使用grove脚本,SBT使用scala语言 4.安装完之后通过sbt sbtVersion查看版本信息 ...
...环境变量 设置 JAVA_OPTS 环境变量,例如在 Windows 命令行上执行: set JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx1g -Xmx1g" 配置文件 在项目根目录下创建.jvmopts文件,内容如下...-Dprop=value 自动触发任务 在 SBT 任务名前加上 ~ ,则当有文件变化时则会自动触发该任务,例如我们在 Play 开发时,可以这样启动项目: sbt ~...
# no jar? download it.[[ -f "$sbt_jar" ]] || acquire_sbt_jar "$sbt_version" || { exit 1 } # TODO - java check should be configurable...checkJava "6" # Java 9 support copyRt # If we're in cygwin, we should use the windows config, and terminal hacks ...