SBSYSTEMS是一家韩国专注于物联网服务的公司,公司推出的智能手环产品已经应用于韩国军队中,用于人员的健康状况的监测。此外,据SBSYSTEMS负责人介绍,未来他们还会把手环产品应用于幼儿园和养老院,拓展智能手环的应用场景。 而且这位负责人表示,物联网时代信息安全非常重要,SBSYSTEMS的信息是确保足够的安全...
Two phonon infrared and Raman vibration spectra of amorphous semiconductors (As2S3)1x(Sb2S3)x and (As2Se31x(Sb2Se3)x systems are measured. As the two phonon vibration spectra are not reproduced well by the double scaled (in wavenumber) first order vibration spectra, it is derived that ...
At 870 K the Tm–Ni–Sb system is characterized by the formation of two ternary antimonides: Tm5Ni2Sb (Mo5SiB2-type) and TmNiSb (MgAgAs-type). Temperature dependencies of the electrical resistivity and Seebeck coefficient of the YNiSb and TmNiSb half-Heusler compounds were measured in the...
Pavlyuk.Investigation of the interaction between the components in the Ti---{Si, Ge}---Sb systems at 670 K.Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2004A.Yu. Kozlov*, V.V. Pavlyuk, Investigation of the interaction between the components in the Ti—{Si, Ge}—Sb systems at 670 K, Journal of...
The isothermal section of the phase diagrams of ternary V–Mn–Sn and V–Mn–Sb systems has been investigated at 770 and 870 K, respectively. No ternary compounds were observed. The systems are characterised by the existence of solid solutions based on the binary compounds. The temperature depe...
Abstract Electronic structures of Se, Se 80 Te 20 , and Se 80 − x Sb x Te 20 ( 0 ≤ x ≤ 9 ) systems have been investigated using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and x-rayabsorption near edge spectroscopy(XANES). The experimental results show strong Se–Se and Se–Te interaction ...
antimony, Sbdoi:10.1002/chin.200516022Yu. StadnykL. RomakaA. HorynA. TkachukP. RoglChemInformYu. Stadnyk et al.Isothermal sections of the Ti-Co-Sn and Ti-Co-Sb systems. Journal of Alloys and Compounds . 2005Yu. Stadnyk, L. Romaka, A. Horyn, A. Tkachuk, Yu. Gorelenko, and P. ...
SB Series SprayDry nozzles are ideal for medium-flow applications using co-current and counter-current dryers and for spray drying viscous flavorings / ingredients, milk and other dairy products. Look to our experts to help you optimize your spray drying operations with these nozzles, featuring:...
PySB Python Systems Biology modeling framework PySB (pronounced "Pie Ess Bee") is a framework for building rule-based mathematical models of biochemical systems. It works nicely with scientific Python libraries such as NumPy, SciPy and SymPy for model simulation and analysis. ...
The Tl2Se(Tl9SbSe6, TlSe, and TlSbSe2)-Sb sections through the Tl-Sb-Se systems were studied by DTA, X-ray diffraction, and microhardness measurements. These sections are stable in their subsolidus portions. The compounds Tl4SbSe2, Tl3SbSe2. and Tl2SbSe2 reported previously were not...