He was so emotionally distraught in court he couldn't even speak. He still didn't know the timeline of injuries never matched the events he thought caused them because the doctors and investigators withheld this information from everyone, including the court, and the probability of medical causes...
Significant acts, bodily movements or signals which carry meaning, evoke responses... 5879 humiliation 5879 humiliation The act of being put to shame, often in a public manner. Jesus Christ was... 5885 indifference 5885 indifference A neutral attitude to God that is...
Significant acts, bodily movements or signals which carry meaning, evoke responses... 5875 hatred 5875 hatred Hatred for others or God is associated with human sin. Scripture also emphasises... 5879 humiliation 5879 humiliation The act of being put to shame, ...
The decision of the Court in contentious cases has binding force upon the parties in question. C. It’s only the Court that can interpret its decision if there is any confusion. D. The court is entitled to revise its previous judgement with some new and decisive factor may be...
in the country against Hong Kong compatriotsA tourist resort with the meaning of drinking waterIn order to let everyone more deeply feel this deep friendshipAppreciate the charm of mountains and rivers with the same roots and origins as water supply projectsSanbai Mountain scenic spot special launch...
If any provision of these Terms is found to be wholly or partially invalid, void or unenforceable by any court having competent jurisdiction or by virtue of any legislation or any other reason, that provision shall be invalid, void or unenforceable to that extent only and no further and the ...
These parents usually call after a well-meaning relative or friend has cautioned them regarding such activities as using an infant swing, tossing a child in the air or bouncing a baby on the caregiver's knee. These callers are reassured once a staff member from the National Center explains ...
Significant acts, bodily movements or signals which carry meaning, evoke responses... 5873 habits 5873 habits Set patterns of behaviour. These patterns can be helpful when they lead to spiritual... 5877 hesitation 5877 hesitation A delay in reaching a decision, or a reluctanc...
Second gospel in NT today. I. Background A... John Mark MARK, JOHN (Μάρκος, ̓Ιωάννης). Son of Mary, cousin of Barnabas, assistant to Paul and Barnabas... Martyr MARTYR. Derived from the Gr. μάρτυς, G3459, meaning “a witness,” who...
1. euchomai (εὔχομαι, 2172), “to pray (to God),” is used with this meaning in 2 Cor... PRESENT (to be) A. Verbs. 1. pareimi (πάρειμι, 3918) signifies (a)“to be by, at hand or present,” of persons,... P...